Getting To YES! XXIX. Ego. It’s Brilliant that a growing - TopicsExpress


Getting To YES! XXIX. Ego. It’s Brilliant that a growing number of no voters are coming On-Line and trying to find the Truth. There is a Real Thirst for Information, Evidence and Confirmation about how Westminster/Whitehall Actively Mislead, Deceive & Brainwash the public to ensure that the public are accepting of their Actions, Policies and Ambitions. Everyone remembers the way that they felt when they were told “There’s no such thing as Father Christmas”… Even although, we get told this, there is still part of us that wants to go on believing it. We don’t want to think that we’ve been deceived by those that we trust. There’s a more insidious part of us, our “Ego” that then tries to protect us from any form of discomfort about something we believed, but later found out that it was wrong. As we ‘Matured’, we realised that there were times in our lives that we were at odds with our own Ego i.e. anyone with children know that you’ll do anything for them. However, if doing something for them conflicts with our own internal mechanisms, we feel great discomfort. Most of the time we put aside our own discomfort to ensure we give our children the very best chance that we can. When it comes to bigger things, National things that we don’t really think concern us or affect us we find that it’s even harder to put our own internal mechanisms aside for the ‘Greater Good’, But – we don’t realise that sooner or later it’s for our own good. When we are faced with internal conflict, when our internal mechanisms are confused, it’s really easy to accept and buy into ‘Spin’, to accept the ‘Stories’ that Westminster/Whitehall are feeding us via the normal/regular news media. We live on a ‘Round Planet’, accordingly – we cannot chose a ‘Side’ – everything is interconnected and intertwined. Every single thing that happens, affects ever single thing on Earth. The theory of a butterfly flapping it’s wings on the other side of the planed, affecting the weather here, was ridiculed in the past. Today it’s part of mainstream science. Long before that, Everyone believed that ‘The Sun orbits that Earth” and “The World is Flat”, because the authorities told them that’s how it is/was. Imagine a Planet, where Everyone has got it All Wrong?... Imagine a Planet, where Everyone is being Deceived, Mislead and Brainwashed by the authorities?... Many no voters are getting to this point, but still – they have a deep rooted loyalty to authority figures, those that they’ve grown up listening to and never questioned. They are part of social groups, clubs and teams who’s members all believe the same thing. They reinforce each other’s misunderstandings and beliefs. It’s called ‘Group Think’. If your boss, your teacher, your doctor, a news reader – anyone that you consider to be well educated, intelligent and above error, you subconsciously accept as an ‘Authority Figure’ and subconsciously accept their word as ‘Truth’. The most notable case of ‘Group Think’ was the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis/Bay of Pigs’. The World and humanity was only an hour or two away from Total Annihilation. Everyone involved believed what the authority figures were saying, but they were absolutely wrong. In the Independence Referendum, many poor souls preferred the testimonies of authority figures, Then voted no. The Authority Figures wrong and virtually as soon as people had voted no, Westminster started to make public things that they had sat on, and prevented the media reporting and no voters started to question Westminster, how they had been deceived and what they could do now?... Whilst most of us were sleeping on Tuesday night, there was an unfolding crisis in the Moray Firth. Most people did not follow it. Most people only got to here about it when they woke up and heard about it on the morning news or later. The accounts of what happened on the morning news, became the belief’s of most of those who watched/heard it… Those who were not asleep witnessed a full and true account of the very serious situation. Those who woke from a dream, were invited by the media to enter another dream by accepting the ‘Spin’ that Westminster had put on the “Crisis”. Those who woke up in the morning and were persuaded to enter another dream had a ‘Choice’… Their internal mechanisms were already ‘Conditioned’ to converge or diverge from the media reports?... Whenever, there is a “Crisis” Westminster’s ‘Spin Doctors’ basically tell the media what to say or not to say. They can put and ‘Embargo’ on ‘News’ so that the public don’t get to hear about it. During the Chernobyl Disaster the British media did not alert the public to the facts. It was the Swedish media that alerted the uk public, to the facts. That the uk has been affected by Radioactive Fallout. It did not stop there. Eventually… Westminster/British media produced maps of the Fallout… Fantastically, to this day – the maps show that no Fallout affected England!... Almost immediately, there were bans on the sale of Scottish produce, but Not English produce?... The same ‘Spin Doctors’ were used to Deceive the public about Fallout from ‘Fukushima’ and still are…. In modern society, it’s the ‘Norm’ to study something that we want to understand. We go to night school, college and university to gain an understanding. Very few people study ‘The Media’?... why not?... is it because it’s always right?... The media spun the story about the Moray Firth Crisis and talked it away like nothing had even happened!… If you really do want an inclination into how You are being Deceived All The Time by Westminster, if you want to become aware and understand the deceptive misleading Westminster ‘Spin Machine’ consider this documentary about ‘Windscale’?... Westminster was in an ‘Arms Race’ to produce material to make an Atom Bomb. But, the ‘Spin’ was: “We want to produce cheap electricity for homes and industry and lower prices so everyone will have spare money to spend on the things that they want”… Westminster’s slogan was: “Windscale will produce electricity that’s too cheap to even meter”… But, you’ll see how “Groupthink” at Westminster cause the uk’s largest and most serious Nuclear Disater. The workers at Windscale risked their lives to save Windscale from Meltdown and us, even if we were not even born then. Westminster’s Ego, could not accept that it made Huge Mistakes… it then, as you’ll see, tried to blame the people who risked their lives to save us from a Meltdown as a Direct Result of Westminster’s Utter Incompetence… Not much changed their then… PS If you were encouraged into a Dream that we’re “Better Together”… Please Wake Up!... NB After you have watched this, please share it to let others see how Westminster tries to deceive us, manipulate us and Brainwash us… youtube/watch?v=vZ4vtUzG6sQ
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:11:21 +0000

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