Ghost Confessions - TopicsExpress


Ghost Confessions Stories#842 Location:bahrain Gender:female Well,this is a incident which happend with my fiance few yrs ago in baroda, was pretty late,around 12 or 12:30am.he was returning from his work on his bike..the road was totaly silent as no one was there.he was alone,on his way to home and suddenly a rikshaw driver came next to him my fiance tried to figure out his face..but it was soo dark that he couldnt see his face...then the rikshaw asked my fiance tht "bhaiya tym kiya hua hai?"(in gujarati). He said it 12:30 and then he went off...then aftr few mins again the rikshaw driver came next to him and asked again tht "bhaiya tym kiya hua hai?"my fiance got a lil confused and freaked..but he still answered him that its 12:30....and then again the 3rd tym the riksaw driver came and asked him the same question "bhaiya tym kiya hua hai?"but tht tym he was sure tht somthing wrng and wired with the risksaw driver..he just speeded his bike and went without answering his question and totaly ignoring tht he has not seen or heard him.tht was only an incident tht happend tht night.but the next day early morning around 8am...he was on d way to his work..the road which he was passing from there was no one there..only he himself it was an early morning not much ppl would b he was driving and suddenly on tht same road in the middle of nowhere he jst hit his bike,well ppl will think tht he must b sleepy while driving but i wasnt like tht at he hit so hard tht he himself was thrown and the bike to..he was one side and bike was other side...he saw the roads there was no big stones..or nothing..the roads were so clean...he was confused tht how in the hell and with what did he hit his bike with..but latr he remembered tht it was the same road tht he went through last nyt with some wired incident.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 05:24:58 +0000

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