Giant Gains In Fat Loss? The major goal of giant sets training, - TopicsExpress


Giant Gains In Fat Loss? The major goal of giant sets training, then, is to complete each set of each exercise (a good rep range for both fat loss and muscle building being around eight to 12) with nothing left in the tank before moving onto the next set (exercise). Resting between each exercise is to be kept to a minimum (around 10 seconds is sufficient, with 1-to-2 minutes between each giant set) to ensure the compounding effect each movement has upon the one following it is maximized. The giant sets themselves are to be limited to three per body part. Three giant sets comprised of four exercises will therefore provide 12 sets per body part, each muscle grouping targeted from all angles over what is technically the same set. In fact, one of the benefits of doing giant sets is their brevity; depending on the body part trained an entire workout can be completed in around 35 to 45 minutes. Condensing three maximal bouts of sustained aggression into such a short period does wonders for both muscle building and fat loss. A giant sets workout can significantly enhance fat loss, provided enough intensity is applied to building muscle. One mistake many people who employ giant sets make is to relax workout intensity to achieve the completion of four exercises in succession. Doing this will not only negate the purpose of each set, which is to build muscle, but to lessen the fat burning effect brought about through a resulting elevated metabolic rate. Used as an adjunct to ones regular weight training program, giant sets training often provides the intensity boost needed to encourage new gains in muscle mass. The combination of exercises coupled with a sustained period of exertion serves to target a muscle group from all angles hitting deep muscle fibers and stimulating growth. The metabolic processes governing such growth - as with any form of weight training, but to a greater degree with giant sets - will result in an elevated metabolism, which will, in turn, burn body fat at a faster rate, even while we rest. Once new muscle has been established - provided proper nutrition and rest have been structured in - such metabolic activation will continue. In fact, the less muscle one has the harder fat loss efforts are to sustain as muscle, being a metabolically active tissue, is constantly working to maintain its structure. Fat, on the other hand, is comparably inert and, if anything, slows the metabolism down. To shock a muscle into growing, giants sets are thought to be unequalled: by forcing more blood into a specific muscle group (which helps to deliver amino acids to enhance the healing process resulting from the micro tearing of the muscle fibers) compared with any other training protocol, they exponentially create a compounding effect that encourages extreme gains. Be sure, however, not to turn each movement into a high rep, pumping exercise that is likely to be more aerobic by nature; your sets must be hard and heavy, as with any other style of weight training. If you are not lying on the ground exhausted after the five or so minutes it takes to complete one giant set then you may not have worked hard enough. Each set should be achievable, but only just. Another advantage including giant sets within your regular training program will confer is the impact they can have on muscles not normally targeted during more convention workouts. Again provided enough intensity is applied and a focus on form is maintained at all times, the added difficulty completing four exercises back to back creates can also force assisting muscle groups to work to their fullest. In transitioning from one movement to the next, such is the degree of difficulty - both in a technical sense and in terms of sheer effort - required to complete the second set, and the two to follow, that special neuromuscular pathways must be activated to properly coordinate each rep of each set. Like learning any new skill, adjusting to giant sets training requires the firing of new nerves and specific neuromuscular responses to the unique challenge using giant sets presents. And like conventional straight sets training, exercises and rep ranges can be changed around with the giant sets approach to continually shock the muscles into new growth. Such nervous system activity along with the adjustment needed to adapt to this new training stimulus/system will also amp up the metabolism to encourage greater fat loss. Our bodies will quickly adapt to new training approaches if these are used in the same manner for an extended period: the key to stimulating further gains is to change ones routine often and giant sets are a valuable tool that can incorporated whenever such change is required. Given the giant sets approach is an advanced training method it is best that it not be used by beginners as the compound stress associated with it and the greater potential for injury among those unaccustomed to such stress might offset any benefits to be gained. It is probably best to begin using giant sets after at least one year of solid bodybuilding-style training.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:22:08 +0000

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