Give Giving makes us happier than receiving. In fact, it can - TopicsExpress


Give Giving makes us happier than receiving. In fact, it can create a feedback loop of happiness in your life. Volunteering makes us happier and can therefore be the most selfless way to be selfish. Helping others reach their goals brings joy. Doing nice things for others today can literally make you happier for the rest of the week. Savor Take time to really enjoy the good things. What are the best ways to savor? Positive mental time travel: Happy memories or looking forward to something Being present: Not letting your mind wander and being absorbed in the moment. Savoring is one of the secrets of the happiest people. Focusing on the limited time you have in this life is a good way to remind you to savor what is important. Strive You don’t usually do what brings you joy, you do what is easy. Set ambitious goals and strive. Thinking about what happens to you in terms of your self-esteem will crush you — look at life as growing and learning. Sitting on the couch watching TV does not make you happy. You are happier when you are busy and are probably have more fun at work than at home. Thinking and working can beat sad feelings. A wandering mind is not a happy mind. Mastering skills is stressful in the short term and happiness-boosting in the long term. Be optimistic, even to the border of delusion Optimism is key. Yes, pessimism softens the blow of bad news but it isn’t worth it. Does this make you out of touch with reality? Maybe but being a little deluded is good: People with positive illusions about their relationship are more satisfied, score higher on love and trust and have fewer problems. Overconfidence increases producitivity and improves teamwork. “Self-deception has been associated with stress reduction, a positive self-bias, and increased pain tolerance, all of which could enhance motivation and performance during competitive tasks.“ Love means being slightly deluded. Happy people believe their partner is a little more awesome than they really are. Someone you think is great who also thinks you’re great — it’s one of the primary things you should look for in a marriage partner. Thinking happy thoughts, giving hugs and smiling sound like unscientific hippie silliness but they all work.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 07:50:24 +0000

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