Give this leadership jik and water ....... This country is going - TopicsExpress


Give this leadership jik and water ....... This country is going down: Like it or nt....Polotics is a priority than serving the need ppl..... fightng of political parties,political loyalty, naming and shaming leadership of their privacy life and life style and judging ppl who hs the choice to choose their own parties of their choice to shw hw the country is democratic instead of uniting took its tall. The opening of the new party is a threat and govt of the day channel their energy and resources on the oposition/new political parties than the service delivery, thus impact on the economic growth of the country.... The gvt departments is run by Political Mafias and tsotsi Comrade and is the center to give political Caders food to eat and kick backs than to be the institution than is seen as a vehicle to deliver service to the ppl hence most dept (National, Provincial and Local) is under Administration, recieve qualified Audit and Disclaimer AND CHARACterised by the Leaders who practice Management by Working Around and Telling (MBWAT) leadership style...very toxic leadership n this lead to the youth of today to see Politics as a Career nt knwing dt its nt permanent thus frustrated when their political career ends bcuse dey cnt make a living anymore. Dictatorship, Nepotisim, Coruption and Fraud took its tall, ppurposeless commision of Enquiry for Nothng bt to waste time and resources and to derail ppl from the mandate at hand took its tall. Leadership change or critism is punished with corporal punishment with its either u r with us or u r against us sydrome. weather u r in denial or nt that true reflection of the current ppl we put on power to achieve the national agenda and the mandate bt dey opted to put themselves first instead. Convincing ppl to vote for a party based on the History is no longer relevant bt vote 4 a party based on the current/present achieveMENTS/Plans and their future plans with the best interest of Nation Building... In summary a gud leader joins the loosing team than a wining team to contribute and built it from scratch to beat the wining team with the new relevant strategies #Soon to be banana Republic#
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:59:38 +0000

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