Gmorning,, Gmorning,,,,, checking up on me up-dates, and me - TopicsExpress


Gmorning,, Gmorning,,,,, checking up on me up-dates, and me bestest bud, Jon Aye,,, i was waitng for the phone to ring,, soon it was 732, then 735, and 741 ohhh maybe he just busy,, and i fell back to sleep,, man-oman,,, i was so damn tired yesterday, fell asleep right after i got home at 540pm,, set the alarm for 725pm so i can wake up for the phone to ring but Naada,, haha Gmorning buddy from Nipples, (nipigon) lol,,,, jks, but very cloudy and good chance of rain again and it may pss us by later in the afternoon but not a sure bet and not a bluff either,, your pick,,, gotta go get ready, circl check on the van, coffee,,, and off to KB pick up, usual duties, i love my work, a vacation,, next week, we are going to Red Lake Goldcorp Mine TOUR and an over-night camping somewhere up there so get your child to bring BEAR SPRAY,,, yuppers BEAR SPRAY,, jks,, LMAO,,,, well ttyl,,, Peace,,,,,as the BANNOCK BURNS,,,,,Rez Style,,,,,, (ohhh i hear your talking about me, eh) how a fight starts on the rez, hahaha
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 12:04:33 +0000

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