God Code Matrix of 188 REMOTE VIEWERS CLAIM of EAST COAST - TopicsExpress


God Code Matrix of 188 REMOTE VIEWERS CLAIM of EAST COAST 9.6 MEGAQUAKE & COASTAL EVENT OCTOBER 21st COINCIDES WITH GCM MAJOR QUAKE WINDOW OCTOBER 18th to 21st??? Yikes Ive been warning of a major seismic event possibly 7.4 to 8+ around the WESTERN PACFIC COASTLINES by NOVEMBER 1st, but this guys warning below, gives REAL fear-mongering a whole new meaning! My posts are a fun-filled day at the beach compared to this! lol If I didnt know better, Id say this guy was a student of ED DAMES! godlikeproductions/forum1/message2327543/pg1 ================================= USA East Coast wiped out by Tsunami - Remote View prediction the date: October 21, 2013 70 Million people will die 22 million injured or displaced 275K will die in the aftermath due to no food or drinking water and looting/riots Cities affected: New York Washington, DC Boston Philadelphia Norfolk Wilmington Charleston Jacksonville Orlando Miami 1.5 mile high Tsunami will reach 35-70 miles inland due to tectonic plate realignment inland rivers will rise 20 ft above flood stage Mississippi river basin will flood upwards of 30 ft. parts of the Atlantic ocean floor will rise out of the water revealing shipwrecks and new land masses Hundreds of Navy vessels in the Atlantic from many governments will capsize and crews lost at sea the Atlantic ocean will have to be recharted for coastlines and new land masses it starts off as a 9.6 magnitude earthquake off the east coast of the US which triggers the land mass slide. 6 mins from time of shift til the wave hits the beaches. the wave ends 21 mins later submerging most of the US East Coast. Any coastline 50 feet or less ASL will be underwater. City buildings crumble and snap like toothpicks. river flooding crests at 36 hrs later safe location: 100 miles west of the Mississippi River Cuba, Bahamas and the Caribbean Island chain will be wiped out within 10 mins and parts of Mexico will be affected as well. Canadas east coast will heavily affected. This will be the greatest disaster in modern history comparable to the loss of Atlantis. and I hate to be the bearer of bad news to good people best wishes remote view
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 15:41:26 +0000

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