God, I thank you for night when our home is quiet and the kids - TopicsExpress


God, I thank you for night when our home is quiet and the kids are sleeping...God, even though there are dangers all around...God, you are our protector, our banner, our shield...God, you hold life and death in your hands and we rest in the peace and knowledge that your will shall be done. God I am so thankful for the time we get to spend with family even if it is only briefly. God, even though I love having my Grandmother interact with the kids and spending time with her, she has changed so much over the last couple years...it is difficult to watch her confusion and struggles...to not have conversations like we used to...it is difficult to watch the woman who has taught me so much and been such an influence on my life be unable to care for herself. God, please make her remaining time...however long that is...happy. Give her joy, let her feel loved, give her peace... Hold her in your arms, ease her pain...God, I thank you for her life and the legacy that she and my grandfather created. Let our children take these memories of her and her love for them and never forget. God, it is difficult to even fathom your love for us as it is even greater than my love for her. You are an awesome God... Help us to share this legacy of love to all we meet... A love not based in judgement, but a love that is condition-less...
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 02:26:28 +0000

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