God, When my arms cant reach people who are close to my heart, - TopicsExpress


God, When my arms cant reach people who are close to my heart, I always hug them with my PRAYERS. I pray for my hometown, the place of my first memories and where my love will always be. Ijan Ekiti will always be home but as a citizen I hope to do what I can to bring heaven to Ijan Ekiti and right now that is prayer. You listen to the prayer of our heart. Continue to use me to do your will. Continue to bless me so that I may be A blessing to others. Keep me strong so that I may help the weak... Keep me uplifted so that I may have Words of encouragement for the discouraged. I pray for those that are lost and cant find their way, that they come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, even through this Prayer I am now praying. I pray for those that are misjudged Misguided, misused, and misunderstood. I pray for those who dont know you intimately. I pray for those who will delete this prayer without sharing the Love of God with others I pray for those that dont believe. But I thank You, that I do believe That God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every one of the family members In their households. I pray for peace, love, and joy in their homes; I pray that they are out of debt And that all their financial needs are met, and they have more than enough to be a blessing to others. I pray for every eye that reads and says this Prayer That they come to know that there is no problem, no circumstance, no situation that is greater than God, for God is greater than all, God is greater in all, God is greater through all, and God is greater upon all. For God, the Most High God Almighty of all the Universes is truly the Greatest of All. I pray for all my enemies, and those who have used me and abused me, and have lifted up their hands and their tongue against me. I now forgive them for all they have done. In Jesus Name, all my enemies are now forgiven, and I pray God forgiveness upon all my enemies, for they do know what they are doing, for I am a Child of God. So every battle that I have ever encountered in my life is now in Gods Loving hands, for You, O God fights all my battles for me. I pray that these words be believed, received and accepted into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every tongue that confesses them in name of Jesus Christ, I pray believing, receiving and accepting Gods miracles in my life this day and every day, for Gods Divine favor is now my heritage, in Jesus Name. Amen and Amen! It is done! O Praise The Lord! hallelujah! God Bless You ! ! ! Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:35:58 +0000

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