God is always there for you. Psalm 25 1-15. Oh Lord I give my - TopicsExpress


God is always there for you. Psalm 25 1-15. Oh Lord I give my life to you, I trust in you my God! Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. No one who trust in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others. Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. Remember, O, Lord your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past. Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful O Lord. The Lord is good and does what is right; He shows the proper path to those who go astray. He leads the humble in doing right. Teaching them his way. The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness. All who keep his covenant in obey his demands for the honor of your name. Oh Lord, forgive my many many sins. Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path They should choose. They will live in prosperity, and their children one who will inherit the land. The Lord is a friend to those who fear Him. He teaches them his covenant. My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies. From me: What a powerful passage to read tonight. All I can say is you should grab your Bible and read it over a few times. If you love, follow, and fear God he will take care of you. If you are wronged by someone, let him handle it. If you have wronged someone, be ready, because God is going to handle you. He has their backs too!
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 05:47:42 +0000

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