God speaks to us through our soul, but we are not always so great - TopicsExpress


God speaks to us through our soul, but we are not always so great at listening. The world has taught us fear & fear drowns out the sound of Gods voice; it silences the truth & love that our soul knows instinctively. We have become too independent, thinking we have all the answers & need to be in control. It is only when we relinquish that control that we can hear God speaking to us, through us. We have to learn to be still, turn our brains off & listen to what our spirit is trying to tell us, show us or lead us to. When we experience feelings of peace, happiness, ease, love, comfort, joy....THAT is God trying to lead us to His TRUTH, what HE knows is right for us. And when we hear the TRUTH, our soul will recognize it. We may call that recognition intuition, innate, a gut feeling. Whatever you call it, be willing to listen to it & follow it...for it holds within it the opportunity to take you on the greatest journey of your life. Gods journey designed specifically for you
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:41:08 +0000

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