God the Father is Coming The greatest desire of a loving father - TopicsExpress


God the Father is Coming The greatest desire of a loving father is to live with his children forever, loving them and receiving their love. This is in fact the biggest desire of God the Father (Jer. 3/19). It was for this purpose that God the Father gave birth to His Children and created them as persons with body, mind and soul. But, man who committed sin became unworthy of the glory of God (Rom. 3/23). Man fell into such a situation that if he came face to face with God the Father, he (man) will die. God the Father had to postpone His desire to be with His Children because of our disobedience. His wait still continues. However, God the Father has declared that He will come to meet His Children (Amos 4/12). The greatest duty of the Children of God is to wait for their Father. In fact, God is working for those who are waiting for Him (Is. 65/4). One of the signs of those who have God’s Grace is that they will wait for God the Father (Tit. 2/11-13). We must become holy by turning away from all idols in our heart and renouncing all sins and then wait for God. God the Father has been separating his Children from all the bondages they are in so that He can make them His own. However, where the Day that God the Father comes to the earth will be the most joyful day for the Children of God, it will be a terrible one for the inhabitants of this earth. It will be a day when the knees of the inhabitants of this earth will tremble, their hearts will faint and their minds will crack up. It is the Day when the earth will burn up and the heavens will dissolve in fire and the elements will melt away (2 Pet. 3/10-12). On the Day when God comes, the sinners will be punished and the wrath of God will be poured on all those who opposed Him. Though the people of God pray that God’s Kingdom may come in the Lord’s prayer ‘Our Father’ for the last 2000 years, no one is taught about the Kingdom that comes with power nor its relation to the Coming of God the Father. The Kingdom of God that comes with power is the Kingdom that exists when God the Father comes. What is the meaning of the prayer, ‘Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven’? Why did Jesus Christ teach this prayer? When Jesus Christ manifests himself in glory in the End Times, this earth must be like the Heaven. His will is that a system where the Will of God is fully obeyed must be established on this earth when He comes back to this earth. Without first establishing such a system, God the Father will not come to meet His Children. Jesus Christ asked us to be as perfect as our Heavenly Father is (Mt. 5/48). But today, the Churches or the people of God do not believe that God the Father is coming. They do not even accept this Truth. No one in these Churches are asked to prepare to meet God the Father. However, the Word of God vouches that no one who belongs to God the Father (and so to Emmanuel) will be lost (Jn. 10/28). Thus, none of the true children of God will fail in preparing to meet their Father. Many Words of God testify that God the Father will come to the earth. i) Amos. 4/12 - Therefore thus I will do to you, O Israel; because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel! This prophecy has not been fulfilled. The visit of God the Father who lives in unapproachable Light, eternal glory and holiness is not bearable at all to man who is a sinner (1 Tim. 6/16). When the luminosity of God the Father appeared on Mount Horeb, the people of Israel trembled with fear (Ex. 19/16-19). They cried out that if God were to speak to them they will die and pleaded that only Moses speak to them (Ex. 20/19). However, the Almighty God commands His children to get ready to meet Him. God the Father has not yet come to punish his people for their sins – Most churches teach that God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ and visited His people. But 2000 years ago , Jesus Christ did not come to this earth to punish the people but to sacrifice his life for them (Mt. 20/28). The Son of Man came to find the lost children of Israel and save them (Lk. 19/10). He offered his life as a ransom for many (Mk. 10/45). If he had punished people for their sins, no one would have been alive today. (ii) Ex. 32/34 - But now go, lead the people to the place about which I have spoken to you; see, my angel shall go in front of you. Nevertheless, when the day comes for punishment, I will punish them for their sin. But when God the Father comes, on the Day of the Lord, He will punish the sinners and destroy the earth which is under the suzerainty of satan and everything that is in it. (Is. 13/9, 2 Pet. 3/10-12). (iii) Ps. 21/9 - You will make them like a fiery furnace when you appear. The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them. When God the Father comes He will destroy all those who do evil and fulfill His Divine Righteousness. (iv) Sir. 16/18 - Lo, heaven and the highest heaven, the abyss and the earth, tremble at his visitation! The earth will not bear the coming of God the Father and will shake like a hut (Is. 24/20). Behold, this Day is coming! (v) Jer. 27/21-22 - Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, concerning the vessels left in the house of the LORD, in the house of the king of Judah, and in Jerusalem: They shall be carried to Babylon, and there they shall stay, until the day when I visit them, says the LORD. Then I will bring them up and restore them to this place. All these are not restored in the House of God. This prophecy is to be fulfilled on the Day of the visit of God the Father. (vi) 2 Pet. 3/11-12 - Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought you to be in leading lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set ablaze and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire? Many Words of God testify about the Day of the Lord when God the Father comes. (Is. 13/6, Ez. 30/3, Joel 2/1-2, Amos 5/18, Zeph. 1/14, Zech. 14/1, 1 Thes. 5/2, 2 Pet. 3/10-12) The Day of the Lord is the day when the Divine Righteousness is fulfilled through His Son. Then all the inhabitants of the earth will freeze with fear and anxiety about what is going to happen. But because this is also the day of deliverance of the children of God, the children will stand holding their head high (Lk. 21/26-28). The catholic church that accuses Zion of frightening people by teaching about the End of the Ages has not understood the difference between ‘the inhabitants of the earth’ and ‘you’ that is described in Luke 21/26-28. These church scholars have become so blind and stubborn that they do not see, the exhortation of the Holy Spirit in 2 Pet. 3/10-12 to hasten the Day of the Lord when the earth and everything in it will be destroyed. (vii) 1 Cor. 13/12 - For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. When God the Father comes, we the children of God will see Him face to face and will know Him. This is a promise by the faithful God. (viii) 1 Jn. 3/2 - See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are Gods children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. God the Father has assured the Children of God that He will come and when He comes they will become like Him. (ix) Tit. 2/13 - For the Grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all, training us to renounce impiety and worldly passions, and in the present age to live lives that are self-controlled, upright, and godly, while we wait for the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of our Great God, and Savior Jesus Christ. One who has Divine Grace in him will have this hope. The hope of the Children of God will be fulfilled when God the Father and the Son of God come. (x) Mt. 21/40-41 - Now when the Owner of the vineyard comes, what will He do to those tenants? They said to him, He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and lease the vineyard to other tenants who will give Him the produce at the harvest time. The church was entrusted with the task of building the Kingdom of God (Mt. 28/19-20). Since they did not bring forth the desired fruits, the Kingdom of God was given to another flock that bears the fruits. The vineyard of the Lord of Hosts is the House of Israel (Is. 5/7). Jesus Christ is the true Vine and God the Father is the Owner of the Vineyard (Jn. 15/1) and the harvest time is the End of Ages (Mt. 13/37-40). It was from John the Baptist that the Kingdom of God began to be preached (Lk. 16/16). Before this, God the Father did not entrust anyone the task of building the Kingdom of God. So the builders who have given up the cornerstone, who is Jesus Christ (Eph. 2/19-22), are not the Jewish priests who lived 2000 years ago, but the present priests and church authorities. Since the church authorities do not build the house of God and have rejected Jesus Christ (as the Only Saviour and his Words), whom God the Father has established as the corner stone (Mt. 21/44, Rom. 9/33), God the Father is coming to give the Kingdom of God to those who bear fruits (Mt. 21/43). (xi) Dan. 7/21-22 - As I looked, this horn made war with the holy ones and was prevailing over them, until the Ancient One came; then judgment was given for the holy ones of the Most High, and the time arrived when the holy ones gained possession of the kingdom. God the Father is denoted by the term the Ancient One in the Holy Bible. He was before the Beginning and He is Eternal. God the Father desired to give the Kingdom to a Little Flock (Lk. 12/32). This Kingdom was given to His eldest Son Emmanuel (Lk. 22/28-30, Dan. 7/13-14, Col. 1/15-16). Emmanuel has also given this Kingdom to his brethren (Lk. 22/29-30). This is what it means by being co-heirs of Emmanuel (Rom. 8/15-17). The Antichrist will fight against this Flock, who are the holy ones of God (Lk. 2/23). But the Man of Perdition will be annihilated by the glory of the Manifestation of Emmanuel (2 Thes. 2/7-8). (xii) Mt. 10/32-33 - Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven; but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven. Emmanuel, the Son of Man is about to manifest in the glory of God the Father and in the company of his angels (Mt. 16/27). Then, in the presence of God, he will receive those who are his own and will reject those who are of satan. That means, God the Father will also be coming. Rev. 3/5 - If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not blot your name out of the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels. - See more at: emperoremmanuel/page.php?slug=temp_four_content&id=111#sthash.qCkHQwfP.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:23:30 +0000

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