God’s Window (Ifasitela likaThixo) Chapter 2 “Incredible! - TopicsExpress


God’s Window (Ifasitela likaThixo) Chapter 2 “Incredible! Incredible! What some people can do, in this life” “I washed my clothes early this morning, left them hanging in the bathroom so that they can dry! Honestly, l couldn’t have left them in the washing line considering the rate at which people steal clothes in this flat! Hayi bo uyasangana lumama”, said Sinanzo with a flavor of annoyance in her voice. Sinanzo, was a student at the University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein Campus. She was from a very poor family in Zimbabwe. She couldn’t afford to find a place in well-developed and exclusive places like Randburg, Northcliff where most of her peers resided. She preferred to share a room in one of the flats in Berea, with her friend Nkocy, who was also a student at the University of Johannesburg. Because they shared a room, these two became good pals, and were very close to each other even though they were in different classes, pursuing different careers. Sinanzo wanted to be a civil engineer whilst Nkosi wanted to be a nurse. Both of them were from KwaBulwayo the city of Kings phela, komfazi utshayindoda. “Don’t let her actions bother you Si thina lapha salanda ukuzafunda siziphucule impilo zethu kanye labakithi. Lo lawe uyazibonela ukuthi isikolo asikho watshaya umbalisi ngerekini, wathi ngoba ethole indoda elemali wahle wahlanya”, wamduduza umkhula wakhe uNkocy. Wazithatha izigqoko zakhe uSinanzo waphuma phandle wayozichaya lapho okwakulencingo zokuchaya khona. Wazilinda kwaze kwaba mnyama phandle kuthe sekumnyama, weza lazo endlini, wafika wazichaya njalo emafasiteleni. Kodwa lezimpahla zasezingasahlanzekanga sokumele aziwatshe kutsha kodwa lokhu wayezakwenza ngempela viki ngoba wawumnengi umsebenzi wesikolo. Esechaye impahla zakhe, wangena emkulwini lapho kwakulomngane wakhe epheka. Sasisinye isitofu sokuphekisa kulelikhaya, laso kwakungesicane esila mapulethi amabili qha. Kwenye ipulethi unaNowethu wayelokhu efake isitshebo sakhe emini, eseze wakhohlwa ngaso. Uthe esizwa la mantombazana ekhuluma emkulwini waphuma enkamelweni lakhe ayelokhu ecambalele kulo labantwabakhe, wayangena emkulwini. NaNowethu: Ngalitshela kudala ngathi lingabochaya izigqoko zenu endlini yokugezela kwenza indlu yami ingabukeki kuhle. Ebelizichayile ngizikhuphile ngazifaka ebhakedeni, ngilingenise endlini yenu. Sinanzo: Yebo sizibonile, njalo sezingcwele ipenda. Ngabe lizibuthile laziphosela embhedeni bengizabuya ngizichaya kulokuthi lizifake ebhakedeni elilependa Nanowethu: Angisoloja lakho mina njalo angiso sisebenzi sakwenu, angisebenzi wena mina. Kusendlini yami lapha! Angidubekanga njengawe oliloja? Sinanzo: Kuhle nxa ungadubekanga njengathi. Siyakubona uyasebenza okuzwayo njalo lomsebenzi owenzayo ngowaba funde kakhulu. I’m sure you are now a manager emsebenzini wakho. Kodwa yazi ukuthi impilo livili iyajika. Nanowethu: Ingaze ijike ngilento zami ezikwanileyo njalo zibiza mina labantwabami, akudingi wena. Ake lisuse isitshebo senu sengifunukupheka ngoba ubaba sezafika, kumele afice ngiphekile Lakanye basisusa isitshebo sabo bengafuni into zokukhuluma. Wapheka ke unaNowethu, epheka lokhu lalokhuyana okungaqedakaliyo waze waqeda ngehola lesitshiya ngalo lunye ebusuku. “Hie maNdloe dali zikhiphani”, ngusaNowethu lo ekhuluma lesithandani sakhe esasaziwa nguye, labakibo kunye labangane bakhe. “Hie babs, I am alright. How was your day”, waphendula lowo maNdloe ngesikhiwa, kwazise waye bala balile amabhuku kancane. “It was fabulous darling, ngiyakukhumbula muntu wami. You know, I can’t live without you”, wayeselilolonge ilizwi selimnandi uyise kaNowethu “How can you say that when you are living with another woman babs. Uyangidlalisa kuphela, umosha isikhathi sami uyazi” wayesenyukubalise ubuso umaNdloe lowo ngoba wayengakuthandi ukube lokhu ethandana lendoda yomuntu eyayilokhu ihlala lowakwayo. “I told you long back ukuthi unaNowethu angisamfuni, mubi kagezi, uyisifukufuku. Ngiyamthini umfazi onjana, ngihambe laye njani phakathi kwabantu, angithi bazangihleka bathi ngihamba lomama. Ngibekezelela sithandwa, ngiyathembisa umnyaka ungakapheli uyabe sulendandatho yami laphe munweni”, azincengele usaNowethu. “Stop it, just stop lying to me, ungayiphinda linkulumo yakho, mina lawe siyehlukana. Kunini uwahutsha lapha aluhlaza tshoko! Vele uzedingani lapha kwami ungasayi kwakho” Wayesegane umwabu umaNdloe. “Don’t forget that this is my flat, I am the one who deposited it and as such, l am entitled to all the privileges honey”, yayimhambe kubi inkulumo kamaNdloe “He he wuwi, this flat dear, is registered in my name. wena awula nix laphe khaya, siyezwana ndoda yomuntu”, wayesehwaqile laye umaNdloe, seze wavuka embhedeni ayelele kuwo wazichaya enqunu. “Sorry honey kube lokuphambaniseka Iet me take you out siyokudla ukudla kwakusihlwa. Phepha sithandwa” Wagqoka wabamuhle umaNdlo, wazigcobisa ngesibhuda ebusweni, wazidweba ngepenseli lapha okufanele kube lentshiya khona, wazilungisa ngiyakutshela. Baphuma laba ababili sebethandelene bayangena emoteni kasaNowethu, baqonda e East Gate e Mall lapho abafika bazitika ngalokhu lalokhuyana, ngefologwe lengqamu.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:45:27 +0000

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