Golbourne eyes JPT progress The main aim at the club is - TopicsExpress


Golbourne eyes JPT progress The main aim at the club is promotion, but there is also the chance to play at Wembley if we can get to the final" Scott Golbourne Wolves may still be some way off reaching a Wembley final in the Johnstone’s Paint Trophy – but Scott Golbourne insists that ambition is already in the players’ thoughts as they prepare to face Notts County tonight (7.45pm). The victors tonight would move into the quarter finals of the Northern Section, then just three ties away from tackling the Southern winners at Wembley in a tournament which has revived memories of Wolves’ Sherpa Van success in front of over 80,000 some 25 years ago. And Golbourne believes the pursuit of a Wembley appearance can go hand-in-hand with the more important aim of trying to win promotion from Sky Bet League One. “For me it’s another game of football,” he says. “You put the shirt on, go out and want to win the game. “The main aim at the club is promotion, but there is also the chance to play at Wembley if we can get to the final. “I’ve never had the opportunity of experiencing that and these opportunities are sometimes few and far between. “You’re possibly looking at a play-off final or a Johnstone’s Paint Trophy final so for me I’d love to try and get to a Wembley final and win the competition. “It’s also about breeding that winning mentality – in any competition we are in now we have to be looking at trying to win games because that breeds confidence throughout the club. “A cup run can sometimes take its toll in terms of the number of games but I think we’ve got a good squad here to cope with that. “We are well equipped to go on and play in a few different competitions and do well if we can. “Winning games in any competition is important and to try and go as far as we can.” Wolves will head into tonight’s game boosted by one of their best performances of the season in winning 3-0 at Colchester on Saturday. Golbourne, who moved forward to play on the left of midfield in the victory, believes that was the sort of standard the players should be looking to maintain. “Of the games I’ve been involved in since I arrived I think Saturday was the best team performance I have seen from us,” he said. “It was a good away performance as well in terms of the way we passed the ball and then to score three goals and keep a clean sheet. “You always want to play well and win but the main aim, first and foremost, is to win. “We hadn’t been performing as we’d have liked and we’re still working on that because there is a lot to improve. “But I think Saturday was a lot more like where we want to be in terms of our level of performance.” And Golbourne will be looking for more of the same tonight when, despite what will be a lower crowd than Wolves’ league fixtures, he is hoping to see another loud and positive atmosphere in keeping with the season so far. “Coming to the this club I have really noticed the size of the club and the fanbase and it definitely makes a difference and spurs you on,” he added. “Hopefully that will happen again tonight. “We won’t be under-estimating Notts County just like we won’t under-estimate anyone we play against. “We may be tipped to win most weeks but that doesn’t really mean anything – you have to go out and perform and get the job done.”
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 08:24:28 +0000

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