Good Mornin!!! this is will my last post about my sleep habits - TopicsExpress


Good Mornin!!! this is will my last post about my sleep habits andcpap machine. i dont want to bore you with the day to day details, so, ill wrap it up with this one. understand that for the past 50 years, i have an inherited trait from my Pop called sleep apnea. its past bad and at the SEVERE level. ive always had it. i havent sleep well for YEARS because i would stop breathing during my sleep. i KNEW i had it, i just didnt know how bad! the first part of the sleep study i did about a month ago, the office had me come and and sleep for the night in their office. looked like a mini motel room. very nice and comfortable. they hooked all the electrodes up to me to monitor my mental and physical functions while i was sleep. the sleep was more awful than usual. HATED IT! after about a week and a half, they told me to come back and sleep with one of their machines hooked up on me. imagine skating with rental skates on. they work, but, its not perfect. the second night, i slept wonderfully! felt better than id felt in years when i woke up. results: they told me that in ONE hour, in the first session, my body woke up 62 TIMES! in one hour!!! i wasnt aware that i was waking up, but, my body had to so i could breathe. needless to say, i never got to that deep REM sleep that is so vital to us humans. envision that. waking up 62 times an hour, say i slept for 6 hours, that meant that i would wake up about 372 times a night! every night! no wonder i felt tired and listless and irritable sometimes...ok... a lot! but, id try and change my attitude and remain positive. i think i did a pretty good job... i think. now after they hooked me up on their cpap and tested me, i didnt wake up not ONE time! can you see why ive felt soooo fantastic the last three days with my own personalized machine? hopefully it will continue every night!! i am so pumped!! so, lika said..LAST report on one of my new best friends for life. the barons cpap machine. if you think you need one, you probably do. THE BEST is yet to come! i hope! will check in later to report on how Blessed this man is. thank you for your interest in the Almightys humble servant. may He make His Face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. One Love. B
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 12:11:57 +0000

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