Good Morning Cumberland County! Today is Saturday, December 6th, - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Cumberland County! Today is Saturday, December 6th, the last day of the first week of December and only 19 days until Christmas and 11 days until Hanukka. How are you today? I do hope you are fine and all is well and that you are with continued health. If you haven’t been feeling too well, I do hope you are much better by now. If you didn’t look out yet, it is raining. Hope these is a chance it might stop later on today – it is coming down pretty hard. Lucy went out this morning already and didn’t go far off the porch. It’s not too cold out, but with the rain and slight breeze it feels colder than it is – dress properly and bring an umbrella if you are going out today. Only a couple more shopping weekends left for Christmas or Hanukka shopping and I hope you will think about shopping local. Came home from work yesterday and worked more on the floor – only about 3 ½ rows to go! Then, I have 3 closets to do to complete the flooring and finally I have to lay the molding and Sharon gets to paint it and we are done! I think Sharon will paint the kitchen after the holidays which includes the back wall around the door wall. I’m still waiting for the mantle to get done so it can be installed and then I can tile the fireplace. It will be time for a vacation!! I hope you have made some fun plans for this weekend. I hope you have included time with family and friends, too. This morning at 9, we will have our CMA Bible Study at Shoney’s. Everyone is invited to attend and we will be happy to let you know about CMA and our chapter, Cumberland Cruisers for Christ. I hope that I can take a couple of the boys from school to go to Threads of Hope to sell some T-Shirts they made – Life Is A Gamble. They sell for $19 and proceeds go to Angel Tree and to our TOP program activities. You can order them, too, if you will let me know. This is well done and I’m so proud of them doing this project! This afternoon I have a funeral to attend, too. (Guess this means no floor work today.) My first cup of coffee is almost done and I know I will have to make a second. Guess that also means I should start getting ready to get moving for the day. Before I sign-off, I want to share a couple of THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY: … When a customer says, “This isn’t what I had envisioned,” it means, “I don’t have what I want.” … Even though many people don’ like National Secretaries Day (except florists), we still have to celebrate it. … Know the fire/earthquake escape route from your office (work place). … Read the Sunday NEW YORK TIMES to keep informed. … Send your loved one flowers. Think of the reason later. … Attend you children’s athletic contests, plays, and recitals. … When you find a job that’s ideal, take regardless of the pay. If you’ve got what it takes, your salary will soon reflect your value to the company. … I’ve learned that if chewing gum has been dropped on the sidewalk within the past 48 hours, my shoes will find it. … People can change, so give them the benefit of the doubt. … Money is a lousy means of keeping score. … If you wish to do business with honest people, you must be an honest person. … You can inherit wealth but never wisdom. ………. I hope you enjoy your gift of Saturday!! Have a wonderful day and wonderful weekend. Stay safe and stay healthy and make someone else’s day!! …… Catch you again, later……….. :)
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:23:18 +0000

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