Good Morning My Friends! There use 2 B A time where we could - TopicsExpress


Good Morning My Friends! There use 2 B A time where we could not go 2 God directly, instructions, questions etc. had 2 B sent thru an individual that God appointed & saw fit 2 do so! My friends...2day, U & I have the ability 2 go B 4 Him, unto Him OURSELVES...what an Honor, Privilege & Awareness that is! Some of us do not go 2 Him 4 varies reasons. Here is what u need 2 no about God, He is not a mean person, contrary...HE IS THE GREATEST LOVER OF THEM ALL...He has such a HEART of COMPASSION, He LOVES U MORE THAN ANY1 COULD EVER LOVE U, HE IS MORE 4 U THAN ANY1 CAN, COULD R WILL EVER B! He wish above all things that U prosper & B N Good Health, even ur SOUL! There is so much 2 Him, I COULD GO ON & ON... I just found out some1 passing on, dying! I met this person less than a year ago. The circumstances was VERY UNUSUAL that night! This person came up 2 me, took a seat, & POURED their SOUL OUT 2 me...a PERFECT STRANGER, BUT HE OBVIOUSLY TRUSTED ME & SAW THAT HE COULD! This person shared things with me about their life that usually people take 2 their grave! I all 2 well no that 4 myself...the very thing that I thougth would B buried along side of me N my grave was finally revealed N my early 30s! This person spoke about how they LOVED THEIR MOTHER & MISSED HER DEARLY & WOULD DO ANYTHING THEY COULD 2 HAVE HER BACK & HOW HE NEEDED HER RIGHT NOW, HOW NO MATTER WHAT MISTAKES HE MADE SHE WAS ALWAYS THERE 4 HIM, HE TOLD ME THAT THERE WAS SOEMTHING ABOUT ME THAT REMINDED HIM OF HER AS WELL! This person was so empty that night, hurt, vunerable, seeking , searching...Knowing the way, but many reasons felt TRAPPED, ALL ALONE N A WORLD FULL OF PEOPLE! I too understood that feeling! This person talked about the many people & churchs that was N their life & had been, had used them 4 certain gifts, talents etc. but they would NEVER EVER ALLOW ANY1 ELSE 2 USE THEM LIKE THAT AGAIN, every1 sought after this person 4 what THEY HAD...& not WHO THEY WHERE as a person! This individual said that NO AMOUNT OF MONEY WOULD EVER ALLOW ANYMORE DECISIONS 2 B MADE 4 them ever again, THAT IT WOULD B GOD & GOD ALONE! They had just come back 2 Oklahoma City after being away 4 many years, and felt called back here, but didnt really understand R know why! But they came back.....Now after hearing this my thoughts R that perhaps somethings had 2 B set N order here, cause now they R GONE! This person ALSO shared with me, a stranger some of the THINGS THAT R GOING ON RIGHT HERE UNDER R VERY NOSE...EVERY WHERE....LIFESTYLES OF PEOPLE THAT U WOULD LOOK AT N THE NATURAL & NEVER EXPECT THEY WOULD B LIVING & DOING SUCH ABOMINATIONS & SINS! This individual OPENED UP N SUCH A WAY THAT ALL I COULD DO WAS LISTEN & PRAY...I FELT THEIR PAIN, LONELINESS, EMPTYNESS, HURT, FEELING OF BEING CAGED N 2 A CAGE ALL BY THEM SELF ETC. They where very sincere, giving, loving, caring etc. Blessed me that night with something NEAR & DEAR 2 their HEART! I said that to say this! We should never take, take, take from any1...IF U R NOT GIVING, BEING A BLESSING, HELP, OF SERVICE 2 others...then U HAVE NO IDEAL WHAT LIFE IS TRULY ABOUT! We R N others lives & HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY R FEELING, GOING THRU, FACING ETC! 4 some1 to feel as though they only had a COMPLETE STRANGER 2 confide such info 2, says a lot about this world! Now u may not B taking necessarly, BUT IF THERE IS LACK OF COMMUNICATION 4 any reason n a RELATIONSHIP, FRIENDSHIP, MARRIAGE ETC....SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG!!!!! There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I CAN HAVE ANY1 N MY CLOSE INNER CIRCLE & WE CAN NOT TALK ON THE UP & UP! I have loss some WONDERFUL WOMEN, EVEN RIGHT 2 THIS DAY DUE 2 THE LACK OF COMMUNICATION & HONESTY! TRUST & BELIEVE, THE LACK IS NOT ON MY PART...I MAKE MYSELF AVAILABLE & OPEN, NO MATTER WHAT...IF ITS ME THAT HAVE A MISUNDERSTANDING, CAUSED THE OFFENSE..PLEASE LET ME KNOW, CAUSE IF I LOVE U AS SUCH, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY EVER N THIS WORLD I WOULD EVER WANT 2 HARM, HURT, CAUSE PAIN ETC. 2 U R ANY1 4 THAT MATTER (we have 2 B ready 2 deal with the truth, whole truth & nothing but the truth...I LOVE TRUTH, REALNESS & HONESTY..NO MATTER THE STING!!!! We would rather BELIEVE LIES...TAKE what 1 side/individual say and form R opinions, matters, conculsions etc! I HAVE FREED MYSELF UP FROM PEOPLE A LONG TIME AGO....AND HAVE GOTTEN MUCH BETTER WHEN IT COMES 2 BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS WITH CLOSE WOMEN FRIENDS ETC...cause I can not make any1 OPEN THEIR MOUTHS, HEARTS, MINDS ETC. BUT MY TAKES 3...U, ME & GOD....& WITH THAT COMBINATION, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WE CAN NOT WORK THRU!!!!! Now, Im saying this cause after people R dead & gone...THEN & ONLY THEN IS WHEN WE WONT 2 GO ALL OUT & HONOR THEM...WHAT THE HELL!!!! How, why would we wait 2 do such a thing???? HONOR, LOVE, RESPECT & CHERISH PEOPLE WHILE THEY R HERE...WHILE THEY CAN APPRECIATE THE LOVE, TIME, DEVOTION & DEED!!!! WHEN THEY R DEAD & GONE, NO GRATIFICATION CAN B LITERALLY GIVEN 2 THEM...THE ONLY GRATIFCATION & SATISFACTION THAT 1 GETS IS THAT OF YOU! SERVES NO PURPOSE, ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT PERSON WAS NOT, COULD NOT B HERE 2 PARTAKE & RECEIVE!!!!! Stop taking, BE A GIVER...GIVE LOVE, GIVE TIME, GIVE TALENTS, GIVE FROM A HEART OF FLESH THATS FASHIONED & PRODUCED BY GOD!!!! STOP LOOKING 2 SELF & LOOK 2 OTHERS NEEDS! Let it B 2 a stranger, it doesnt matter, JUST LEARN 2 B A BLESSING 2 OTHERS! Listen 2 this SONG, BE BLESSED, KNOW UR WORTH & VALUE!!!!! Get UR HOUSES N ORDER...TIME IN NEARING!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:37:18 +0000

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