Good Morning Prayer Time Warriors this morning I have posted - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Prayer Time Warriors this morning I have posted yesterdays prayers and one I added this morning, Please if I have missed any please post and update or remind us again. PhyllisAdelle Sherer The man she sits for a few times a week brain tumor is back. His name is Bruce Seawright and lives in Ballentine. His wife’s name is Patty. Please pray for these awesome people Linda Mann - While walking on the trail around her house, she decided to do some sprinting Good Morning Prayer Warriors on Prayer Time, Here is an update from in some non-supportive running shoes she ended up injuring both her legs. She had a difficult time even putting any weight on either leg. Her husband and dear friend laid hands on her and prayed. Her personal trainer gave her advice for sports injuries. Yesterday, after following the process carefully, she took only ONE Advil for the whole day along with some alfalfa which is a natural anti-inflammatory nutrient. For 2 days, she rested her legs and iced all of the muscles several times a day. She wants to say thank you for the prayers, Prayer Time friends. She is feeling the results of healing and is able to move about so much better now. You all are wonderful and supportive and God still heals today! Praise the Lord! MIRACLES ARE BEING SEEN AND FELT AT THE Fall’s HOME Annette, Fred and Clay, Brandon their other son is away working: They are still claiming future miracles. When they go visit Freds brother they have to carry Clay in and put him on the floor. The extra 10-15 pounds (answer to a Prayer request) of late are great; however we are increasingly struggling with the care demands. We ask God to allow us to pick up the mat and let Clay WALK! I know that God knows this situation and I ask for His will (because He knows what is best to do) to be done. I agree with Bill Davis and so I am sharing his post again: Prayer is a wonderful thing. God listens and answers our prayers. The problem comes when God doesnt answer the way we think He should. How often has someone prayed for the healing of a child or other loved one and then watched as the prayer appears to go unanswered and that person dies? God answered that prayer. As a Christian, that individual is well and strong in the arms of Jesus. We are told in Psalm 116:15; Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of one of His saints. God can answer a prayer with a yes a no or even a wait and be patient. God is just that...God. He knows so much better than we. It is time for us to exercise the privilege of talking to Him in prayer. Danielle Cory Yesterday at 5:28pm Update from Danielle Cory on her cousin Trip: The left side of his heart had completely stopped working, they did an emergency surgery to insert a stint. He currently has pneumonia, once this is cleared up they will have to go in an place another stint in the right side of his heart. He is still in a medically induced coma, they made the decision to leave him in this state until late next week as they try to get him better. Doctors say that until he recovers from the pneumonia and starts coming off of some of the medication they have him on, they have know way of knowing if he is likely to survive. This statement is very troubling to the family, but especially his daughter and Dad. Even if he does make it through this, he has a very long road to recovery. Her family is planning another trip to Savannah too see him after Thanksgiving. Please keep Trip, his 16 year old daughter and his elderly Dad in your prayers. Danielle Cory please update us as you can. I asked for you to Please Pray that I could attend Sunday school and church yesterday. Saturday was a difficult day and I pray that I am able to walk better tomorrow. I was able to walk better…not perfect but better. Howard took my arm and I used the cane Howard made me. I had to go to the restroom so Howard left me at the ladies restroom door, because I told Him I could make it and when I walked in the church Howard was sitting down and talking with someone. I leaned on the short railing and followed it down until I came to the end of it. (In my head I could hear Howard say in a sweet kidding way, “OK Ilean you can make it” I smiled and I know those watching thought what is she smiling for. Anyway Howard saw that I had come to the end of the short wall and came over to help me. Once Howard walked with me over to the pew we sit on there was little Kimmie ( our granddaughter sitting there) The group that sings was singing, then a prayer, and then a song we all sing together. These things combined were about how even if we can do nothing else we can know that God loves us and share that with others. I started to cry because I needed to hear that. That no matter what even if I can’t walk or do other things like I used to God and Howard still love me. About that time Kimmie took my hand, held it and squeezed it as if to say,”it’s ok Mammaw I love you!” Then if that wasn’t enough Howard couldn’t find my usual bible I bring so he picked up the one I gave my mom on March 4th 2002 I had written in it I am so glad God has given you His truth, that you may never doubt again, I Love you Dell (that’s what my family called me) Our Pastor Karl got up to preach and He asked everyone to turn to Romans 7. I did and that was a chapter that my Mom had put parenthesis around. I remembered that she had written something in the front of the bible in the same color pen so I turned to see what it was. She had written John 5th chapter verse 22 Even the father judges no one, for he has given all judgment (the last judgment and the whole business of judging entirely into the hands of the son. I turned there and sure enough there with the same black pen she had put parenthesis around that, I felt like God was letting my Mom tell me Adelle Pay Attention God is talking right to You. The tears flowed again. I know people were wondering ok she was smiling when we thought she would cry because she wasn’t walking that well and now she’s crying when she should be smiling. OK another lesson He speaks to us all in difference ways using the same words and hymns. I love you all, Adellel. Thank you for your prayers and lifting your sister up to the Lord. What a wonderful Awesome God we have and He answers prayers. I got to see His awesome work Yesterday! I am praying for the word of God to be read and understood. God bless us all. PRAISE Danielle Cory Danielle Cory - Yay! My exs wage garnishment started this week and I got $50. Its not even half what hes supposed to pay, but better than nothing! Im so excited because I can pay a bill! God continues to work on me and I truly appreciate all your prayers. I was able to get up this morning without having help from Howard and I am thankful. Thank you all for your prayers. My eye site is better. I only see double when I look up or down and am able to walk with a walker or cane. God bless you all and help us all to see His blessings.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:02:32 +0000

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