Good Morning. Unless we are willing to reconcile with God, we - TopicsExpress


Good Morning. Unless we are willing to reconcile with God, we cannot walk with Him. Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Matthew Henry in his commentary on this this text said, “Let them know that they could not expect any comfortable communion with God unless they first made their peace with him (v. 3): Can two walk together except they be agreed? No; how should they? Where there is not friendship there can be no fellowship; if two persons be at variance, they must first accommodate the matters in difference between them before there can be any interchanging of good offices. Israel has affronted God, had broken their covenant with him, and ill-requited his favours to them; and yet they expected that he should continue to walk with them, should take their part, act for them, and give them assurances of his presence with them, though they took no care by repentance and reformation to agree with their adversary and to turn away his wrath. But how can that be? says God. While you continue to walk contrary to God you can look for no other than that he should walk contrary to you, Lev. 26:23, 24. Note, We cannot expect that God should be present with us, or act for us, unless we be reconciled to him. God and man cannot walk together except they be agreed. Unless we agree with God in our end, which is his glory, we cannot walk with him by the way.” I pray that we will ask the Lord to search our hearts and remove anything that will prevent us from walking with Him. You see my friend, when we walk with the Lord in the light of His words what a glory He shed on our way. I come to the Garden Alone - https://youtube/watch?v=pXtuNk9dRc4 Have a blessed and Holy Spirit-filled day.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 09:20:55 +0000

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