Good Morning my Beautiful Sunshines! Happy and Blessed Friday to - TopicsExpress


Good Morning my Beautiful Sunshines! Happy and Blessed Friday to you all! May you all enjoy a fabulastic weekend! Our Spiritual Food for Today, comes from: Hebrews 3:12-13 ESV: Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. The Book of Hebrews was written by an author unknown. For, only God knows the author of this Book. Whomever the author is, they make great reference for us to stay with Christ because of mainly Who He is, what He did, and is doing. It appears that the converted Christians back in this time, wanted to turn back, or continue to practice the Jewish rituals, and follow the OT Laws. It also seemed as though they were giving up, due to great persecution. But, I will let you decide. If you get the chance to read The Book of Hebrews. I will suggest that you get a study Bible, it makes a world of difference when you can read the History behind The Books in the Bible, the author, the setting, key themes, timelines, literary features, and the outline for each chapter. The passage of Scripture above is something that we all deal with on a day to day basis, and have personally experienced. And as I’ve listen to a few people in the past 2 months tell me they have fallen away from the church, and God because of what they have gone through, it lets me know the enemy is doing what he does best. Some, by the persecution of the church. How unfortunate is this? That we would allow persecution, hard times, trials and tribulations to turn us away from the One, True, and Living God. We as Christians, need to exhort and build up those whom we see that are falling away from God. But instead, we will allow them to just go out into the darkness, without saying a word to them. We often times, will dig a hole for them to fall right in. Or, we will say, “We will catch them later.” Why later, when no one is promised another day? We know when someone is down, as we see it in their faces, and now that we have social media, we can see it in their posts. But we will sit back, watch them, and say absolutely nothing, nor make a comment to encourage them to stay strong. And when we do this, it simply means we have hardened our hearts; deceitfully hoping they will fall further in the whole. Because we sit back, watch, and laugh in private or between friends of the things, our fellow Christians are going through. I believe this is why I’ve seen and heard many people say, “I don’t want everybody praying for me. As they may being praying for my demise.” If you see another sister or brother down, don’t push them further in the gutter, give them a hand, an ear, or words that will encourage them to keep pressing on. Be Blessed!!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:37:42 +0000

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