Good Morning...this morning replaces all the other mornings making - TopicsExpress


Good Morning...this morning replaces all the other mornings making them null & void whatsoever...this is it... brand spanking new stuff factory fresh.. Welcome to Stus Cafe & Daily Chore Jar...Its cold out there but its warm and toasty in here... Today on FLTV Cable Channel 12 Time Warner for our area: WORDS OF PEACE PREM RAWATS MESSAGE airs @ 2:30pm. At this moment I sit here with a cup of coffee and a fresh mind scrubbed clean and relaxed from a hearty Practice. You have to kind of sneak up on yourself and when your mind isnt looking just head into the heart cave for a session with yourself. If you have no idea what I am talking about it isnt your fault & it isnt my fault...things on Earth kinda get out of hand with the humans. We all walk on a stage built with good and bad intentions...This fabric of society is woven with good threads and bad threads. Oh Im just full of myself this morning..ha! Fresh off my short ride with the Fickle twins, fame & fortune..Hells Bells I even thought I was going to find a girl friend..ha! I know I know dont push it the backlash from Lust is like being punched & kicked by thugs in a dark alley. On the brighter side there are ways to live this life without all the dire consequences and as soon as I figure it out Ill post it here..ha! I feel the Joy of life as it is in the moment even as time slowly nibbles away at this experience of breathing in a human body...The exhilaration of being alive is at once subtle and awesome and in your face... Stuff has to happen..the bad guys want us dead and the good guys want us alive and I just want to be in the middle of all of this with my imaginary date and cuddle. is Stu..once again, with the raw data to get you going..I try to keep my comments as generic as possible so as to not start a war with these words..I want that kindness prevails and goodness is recovered from the trash heap and made to feel like a member of the family once again... I want to write something clever so the snobs will take note and I want to write something sincere so the Ladies take note and I want to write something strong strong to make my enemies think twice before they storm the walls of my fortress of solitude. Good Day/Night to all my wonderful friends...See Im the same Stu I always ever was..I just took a long unnecessary detour...
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 10:36:50 +0000

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