Good day to all my Facebook friends and followers! Today was my - TopicsExpress


Good day to all my Facebook friends and followers! Today was my first day back at work after being off for 19 days. Do I have to tell you how hard it was to crawl out of bed at 5:00 AM this morning? No, I didn’t think so. As I sat down to my computer this morning, I was not looking forward to wading through the email traffic of the past two weeks. Like I expected, I found my inbox filled with incoming messages and multiple notifications that my mailbox had exceeded the limits. One by one I opened, reviewed, and responded as necessary. A couple of touch-base discussions with co-workers revealed the past two weeks had basically been business as usual; I hadn’t missed anything exciting or important. Once again I was more than reasonably assured that I am not indispensable; the place had managed to run very well without me. On the other hand, the events of the past two and half weeks that happened away from work were anything but business as usual. It started with four days at the John G. Lake Ministries Annual Conference in Dallas. More than 200 people from over 20+ countries gathered together to worship and glorify the Lord. The hours flew by as person after person shared testimonies of awesome numbers of people receiving salvation, deliverance, and healing all around the world. It was like living in a modern day Book of Acts. Truly, Jesus is still in the miracle working business! For those of you who know me personally, I don’t have to tell you that I was excited. “Pumped” would be a more appropriate description. This group has an extremely simple philosophy; leave doubt and traditions of men behind and allow Jesus to work through you to set the captives free. It was obvious there is no place for pew sitting. I would describe them as “fully engaged” and extremely “results oriented”. The focus is simply loving God, loving each other, and meeting needs. As I listened to the teaching sessions and absorbed the simplistic truths of the gospel my heart was warmly stirred with new passion for the things Jesus has called me to do. You see, the tasks and assignments I perform on my job, even though important, are only temporal. Ten years from now I doubt anyone will even remember my name much less that I completed this project or developed that program, etc. But, the assignments I have in kingdom business are quite different. They are eternal. And, in kingdom business I am somewhat indispensable in that I may be the only one who can reach another person. The same is true for you. You may be the only one who loves enough, or has the boldness to speak up, or be the one Father has chosen to send to speak to a specific person. Who knows, Father may send this very writing to the opposite side of the world, to someone I don’t even know exists and it may touch their heart and change their life forever. How amazing would that be? I believe that is very possible and very likely. You see, I don’t think God has me writing these posts just for the fun of it. I believe there is a purpose for this effort. I believe He uses them to speak to the hearts of people about specific matters. Do I know who they are? No. Do I need to know who they are? No. Would I like to know who they are? Yes. Hey, cut me some slack here, I’m human and curious. I don’t know where you are in your journey or what God is doing in your life but for many of you He is moving you away from the familiar and out into new unchartered territory. It’s scary. It’s kind of like eaglets learning to fly. The mother eagle pulls all the soft padding out of the nest until the little eaglets are constantly being pricked by the thorns. The only escape is to spread their wings and learn to fly. This may be the first time you’ve had to jump off the edge of the nest. Go ahead, take the leap of faith. God will not let you fall. Examine your options. Are they temporal or eternal? Are you buried under dead works or busy with faith filled life? Choose life! It’s an exciting journey. Take a leap of faith and respond to His calling in your heart. It may mean leaving the familiar nest. Trust me, you will survive. Jump into the “new” He has for you, and do something you’ve never done before. Don’t be afraid to reach out to Him. He has wonderful surprises waiting for you. Oh, it will be good because “Jesus Loves YOU!”
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 00:51:41 +0000

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