Good evening everyone. Today was a long day for my treatment, but - TopicsExpress


Good evening everyone. Today was a long day for my treatment, but the good news Im 1/2 way done with only 2 more Chemo treatments planned at this time. We started the visit with Dr. Limbaugh at 9:00 AM, and then the treatments that lasted until check out at 4:15 PM. I think it took longer this time than the last, but not sure why unless they had the drips slower. I’m just glad to have it behind me at this point. I mentioned about my lower back pain so he ordered a bone scan. I think this is premature, since Ive not done much exercise except for the last few days. I have gained a lot of weight, I am claiming water weight due to the swelling, but regardless a lot of weight. I think the combination of no exercise and weight is what is causing the back pain. I told Ann I was going to cancel, but she says not. Well see.... Today I was witnessing to a lady at the facility. I told her about what God has done for me and how I had turned my life around. How I was connected to God more than Ive ever been in my entire life. Seemed that she continued to ask my opinion about whether a person needed to go to church to be connected. I told her that I felt it was part of understanding Gods word and sharing the gospel with others so that your personal interpretations could be shared. I remembered the verse in the Bible, but could not recall the Book, Chapter or Verse, so didnt want to mention it until I got that information. So, I called my Prayer Warrior, her new name, it used to be Little Crumb Girl who is Krystin Mays, my baby Girl. She immediately text me back with the information. Hebrews Chapter 10: 25, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is: but exhorting one another: and so much the more as ye see the day approaching” turns out Krystin has it framed on her wall in the bedroom. Go Krystin. I didnt get a chance to share this with the lady, but I had given her my Prayers for Pop site and asked her to send a friend request, so I feel she will see this tonight or tomorrow. She will understand once she sees this information. I appreciate her time and so look forward to talking with her more. I do believe a person can worship at home with their family. I also know that God said where two or more are gathered together in my name, I shall be there also which could be home. I prefer church since it fulfills my spiritual tank for the coming week. A bit of uplifting that I cannot get at home. I remember I drifted over the last 8 years because I choose not to be in church. Pray that God leads you and how you should answer this question. If you choose to go to church, try my church, Belair Baptist church on Old Belair Rd., Grovetown, Ga. just off of Jimmy Dyess Parkway. I also ran into an old friend that was there with her Dad. I made a comment when he came in the office area wearing Blue Overalls like the ones my Dad worn for years being a Farmer. When she asked where I lived and I told here on Belair road and Dad farmed from Wrightsboro rd. to the Goodyear Tire store which cover 42 acres which he farmed almost ever square inch of the property. She immediately remembered my Dad. Turns out she was a Maddox. My Grandmother, Dads mother was Elizabeth Maddox, but a different set. She too got my face book post page, so I look forward to getting with her and continuing our conversation. Ok, enough. Ive had a great day but ready to go to bed and get some rest. Im hoping Ill feel well enough in the morning to go to work Thanks to Rick for taking me down this morning, Ann for coming by to see the Doctor and Hope for bring me a tea and sitting for an hour or so. Dont forget Hopes surgery is this Friday morning at 9 AM for prep and surgery scheduled for 10 AM. Pray the surgeons skills are guided by Gods divine intervention, his Technical assistances and Physician assistances are as well. Please pray that her recovery is swift and with no complications. We praise God for these blessing and know all is well in his hands. Your prays are making a difference, so please continue. Comments make me happy, so let them ripe. If you type 100 words per minute, I expect you can manage 10 words in 6 minutes. Cancer be gone from Rick, in the name of Jesus. Could be a start. If you finger peck, then type, Cigarettes cures Cigarette Addiction. Likes are ok, and your visits are also nice. Either way the most important to me is your visits and I know by checking in you care and will share what you need to share. God bless each one of you. I Love you All. Rick
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:16:38 +0000

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