Good morning Facebook, Its the weekend and so far it has - TopicsExpress


Good morning Facebook, Its the weekend and so far it has started pretty much like any other weekend, with something new to deal with. I will get back to that. Over the last few days I have received a few Hey, how are you? messages. I love that when I go a little quiet here on Spybook that people randomly check in with me to make sure all is well. I love having friends that drop by unannounced even if only virtually. So here is the thing, yes I have been busy with work, so anytime I used to spend catching up with the odd post here and there during lunch breaks and so on has pretty much gone out of the window. To give you some idea of my kind of busy, we are behind schedule on two very large research projects. We are behind on the production of all 7 of our production projects. My team are constantly diverted from doing what they are supposed to be doing to fire fight solutions for inherited or historic problems not of their making. We are in the middle of relocating our factory. Oh yeah and I lack sleep on a regular basis. So on to that issue. Leo is amazing and as anyone who speaks to me about the little rascal will know this not so little bag of bones comes with a few issues. HE DOESNT LIKE SLEEPING. So okay, honestly it isnt that bad. Some nights though the constant getting up and down, even if it is Katie doing most of it, is a bit of a killer. Sleep deprivation does not help mummy or daddy be great people. This last week, after Leo turned six months, we started a new plan for sleep training and it was going great for two whole nights. For us that is a good run, then last night he developed the symptoms of croup and coughed himself sick, YAY for mummy! I expected fatherhood to be hard work, I knew I would have lots of new things to learn and feek my life that is so true. I am so grateful that we left having children until now. I have 10 years of being married to Katie under my belt. I know at a glace how she is feeling or coping or what she might need from me. We can speak to each other frankly and sometime harshly and still remember that we are so much in love that within an hour we will be curled up together and that we are a team. I had hoped to be more active on facebook, I wanted more of a diary of this journey but I decided that I didnt need to share everything, sometimes you just have to work through things at home. So I post pictures of my little man at his best. I share those moments when he is doing the things that light up our life and make me want to run around and tell everyone how amazing he is. He is, AMAZING. Some random women actually stopped Katie in the street the other day to say how cute she thought he was. So there you have it, life is kind of full right now. Katie and Leo are currently taking their morning nap. I am sat at the computer writing to you lot and we have a fun day planned with friends. We are lucky like that. Life is pretty good. So sorry if I have missed a birthday message here and there, apologies if I have seemed a little distant, but hey I know you know and I know its okay, because well I love you all. There is one special thing I am going to share, this is one of the things that Leo and I do that makes my want to burst. It is a simple thing, we sit outside in the garden. For about 15 or 20 minutes, on a good day, he will sit with me, propped up at my side and with his big eyes and cute little ears he will take in the world around him. We are fortunate to live somewhere that has many butterflies, dragonflies, parrots and other singing birds. The way he absorbs the world quietly taking it all in makes me want to take him to far off places and see all the things that I have seen. Meet all the people that I have met, and maybe one day to sit and share a coffee and just sit quietly in amazing places and watch in silence as the world passes by. Dont get me wrong, I am not wishing our time away, just looking forward to and hoping that we have a life time filled with these moments. Moments where I am so much in love that it makes me want to shed a tear. I had no idea it was possible to be this much in love with my life. Katie and Leo bring something new to the way I feel about and look at the world everyday. No amount of sleepless nights or mini dramas will ever dull the way I feel about my family. I am going to finish by telling you all how much I love Katie, you know, she knows, we all know. I have no need to write it here other than the fact I want to, so I have. She is still the most beautiful women I have ever known and it is a privilege to share my life with her and the wonderful son that she has gifted me. Love love people xxx
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 05:04:33 +0000

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