Good morning Family and Friends, Thank you God for this - TopicsExpress


Good morning Family and Friends, Thank you God for this day. Gary and I were entertained by the hummingbirds this morning. We try to count them and we often get close to a number; then, they start darting about the air space. (laughing) We have a peaceful morning on the lake with a soft rain drizzling down from the clouds. We are not sure how this day will turn weather wise; however, we are sure this day is a gift from God. I am thinking of how we become so accustomed to kind gestures that we begin to rely upon kindness as an everyday occurrence. Our loved ones - for the most part - are kind to us; however, taking the simple act of kindness for granted may end in disappointment. (Gentle smile) People are kind to one another for multiple reasons. They are following Gods path. They truly are gentle beings. They enjoy helping those in need of a gentle word or a helping hand. They love you. (Smiling) I, for one, am blessed with many kind people in my life; however, I have stumbled upon people who merely manipulate situations until you are so far engulfed that you suddenly realize: this person is not kind to me. They have changed. (Gentle Smile) Unkind is as if you are waltzing with a fallen angle. There is still goodness and well-meaning thoughts; yet, all of a sudden: attitudes change, honesty changes, empathy changes, kindness is now a what can you do for me approach? I have found when this change occurs within a person: they are experiencing some very dark difficulties; they are living with an overwhelming need that cannot be fulfilled; they have fallen off of Gods path. The only approach we have at our disposal is to offer Christian kindness; let them know God loves them and wants them to walk his path; listen to their issues without becoming a sounding board; and let them know you want pray with them not for them.. Kindness is the most important gift - besides our precious time - we offer a fellow Christian. God bless you and your loved ones,
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 12:06:26 +0000

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