Good morning Kingdom Lifers......we have come to a critical mass - TopicsExpress


Good morning Kingdom Lifers......we have come to a critical mass in our journey in advancing the kingdom of God in this 21st century and post-modern age.....I am excited, along with many of my colleagues and you, about the importance of our call as a generation of new millennial apostles.....You and I have been a part of the first 14 years of bringing the message of the Cross, salvation and kingdom into a new century, new age and new era of human history.....Our enemy is absolutely terrified by who we are. Satan NEVER expected this movement to make it this far. He is doing everything he possibly can to hinder our influence on this age.....I am convinced that this is the LAST AGE before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....I am not a predictor of times and will not say that I think I know when the parousia will take place. That is the Fathers call and we have no idea what His intentions may be. He may allow this millennium to last itself out or end human history within span of its time, but all of us are becoming maranatha conscious. It is important that we continue to hold up the blood-stained banner, marching through this millennium declaring the kingdom of God at hand. We are preparing the way of the Lord in the spirit of Elijah. We must stand fast in our testimonies. Do you realize, sons and daughters of God, how important you are to this process? The clean-up batter and the last leg in a relay are crucial;they take the race to the finish and seal the victory in the game. You are important to the souls and generation that are being born in this era. Satan is fighting us, bc he does not want these post-modern and new millennial generations to retain a God-consciousness or God in their knowledge. This is a different age than the age of the Old Testament. People died and humanity faced erosion bc each generation before the flood of Noahs time, became less conscious of the existence of the true and living God. Still it took 969 years, almost a complete millennium, for Satan to darken the minds of the ages before the flood of Noah. The Father became el (meaning god generically) to the Caananites; a name that was randomly selected in their language to help them understand their origin, and the origin of the environment created for them to live in. Even Israel borrowed the concept, adding ohim - God of Creation; elyon - Most High God; shaddai - the Almighy God who is more than enough, as suffixes to grasp a revelation of who He is in the generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Today, we have a revelation of who He is. We have been exposed to Him, personifed in Jesus Christ. We have seen Him, touched Him and handled Him. He made himself visible and physical to us, manifesting himself out from the invisible and immaterial regions of life and allowing a revelation of salvation to arise in many of our hearts. Many of us have experienced Him as Savior, Healer, Redeemer, Lord and Master. It, now, is our DUTY to carry this message into this age by our lifestyles, our confession and our witness; declaring to this generation that there is a true and living God who has made known to us know who He is....We can discern him in Jesus Christ, and manifest His glory to a dying world as the sons and daughters of the Living God. We are His Christ in the earth and are advancing His kingdom throughout these last and evil days! We need these generations and present day millennials to know that there is an existent God of righteousness and truth, and that the universities, scientific laboratories, social media and sin-inspired new age paradigms have not, and cannot, kill Him! As new age apostles, we will die, if necessary, for this message of the kingdom of God and salvation through Jesus Christ. We will not let up, give up or give out; but we will stand up, praise up and rise up with our faith until He makes his appearance ....Its a fight to the finish!....its kingdom time and we win!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:20:07 +0000

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