Good morning all my wonderful family & friends. Well yesterday - TopicsExpress


Good morning all my wonderful family & friends. Well yesterday was a busy day. I had a friend drop off 2 broken laptops and I worked on those all day and got them up and running. It was a challenge but I love working on computers so it was a happy challenge!!! Im getting ready to go take my Mom shopping and then to my Sisters to help her husband, Bob, put up Christmas lights and decorations for their house. Maybe Ill get mine put out over the weekend in time to light up on Thanksgiving!!! Today, our illegal president has announced he will sign executive orders to take care of the immigration issue in America!!! Really? Take care of it?? It seems to me Mr President, You are breaking the law by trying to sign executive orders to create law for immigration!!! So, along with our congress, now it is okay for the president to break the law and do what he wants to do???? I think our government is appalling to say the least!!! All 3 branches of the government has gone crazy doing its own thing and AMERICA, THAT HAS TO STOP!!! It is up to us to stop this by writing your congress people and senators and this illegal president. On the Legal Branch, the Supreme Court has 2 members appointed by Obama who should put themselves out of voting (I think that is recant??) on anything to do with Obamacare because THEY HELPED WRITE THE BILL!!! You cant be involved as a Supreme Court Justice on something you helped create but here again, we have illegal government in all 3 branches of our government!!! Remember the old forest fire slogan: Only you can prevent forest fires??? Well that applies to government too!!! ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT: GET INVOLVED AND VOTE!!!! Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday and enjoy this downward slide into the weekend!!! I hope everyone up north going thru this weird early winter storm stays safe and warm!! God Bless!! “When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily; but with honest, sensible leaders there is stability.” Proverbs 28:2 Father thank you for this day and the many blessing you bestow upon me daily! Father please accept my prayers today for all fallen heroes & their families, all our wonderful Veterans (who we are NOT taking care of), all the unemployed or underemployed who seek a better life, my family & friends, all heroes serving our country in the military, Billy Graham, all children suffering thru cancer, Glenn Beck & family, all the Christians trying to survive the atrocities and horrible treatment of ISIS in Iraq & Syria, my old friend Wayne & family, Cheryl Isler, Dennis-Jodette & family, my friend Judy, Stephanie-Scott & family, Shannon, Susan & Pete & family, Suzzan & family, my friend Toni & family, Walt Blenner with his great work he does as a lawyer & his mom, Susan Weber, my friend Bonnie going thru stage 4 cancer treatments, my friend Vicki, my high school buddy John White & family, Mike D & his mom Lisa, Michele-Dave & boys, Scott Morrison, Scot Morrison & family, Marge & extra prayers for Bill, Ken & family, Perry & Rebecca, Gary H & family, the whole Hollins family, Lisa G & family, Josh G & mom Karyn, Erik & Annie D & Laura, Orin & Debbie, Melinda -Ralphie & kids, Jeremy & family, Bruce & Gail, Kyle-Kristyn & Andrea & the blessing on the way, my friend Ralph, my brother Greg & family, Paige, Nora-Arnie & family, Erin & Steven & their new baby girls Caroline & Elizabeth, Alicia & Brian & dogs & cats, Steve Roesch & family, Bob & Sis (extra prayers for my sister, my best friend) & their dogs & opossum, my Mom & Howard (especially Mom with the onset of memory issues & age issues), Ron & Sherrill & Jason, Jessi & husband & the twins on the way, Joe & Belinda, Dave - Robin & Chris, RJ & family, Harborside Church, the Presbytery Church USA in hopes they regain their beliefs in God, The Congress-Senate-President in hopes they start thinking about America instead of themselves, America & Our Constitution in hopes we can return both to the greatness they were at one time & bring God back into our country!!! Everyone please keep our country in your prayers as we face more years of a president who it trying to take God out of our country and put Muslims in charge!!! Stand up and be counted Americans, do something for your country for a change!!! The country is NOT supposed to take care of you, you are supposed to take care of your country!!!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 14:38:57 +0000

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