Good morning and guess what? Thats right its : Praise Friday - TopicsExpress


Good morning and guess what? Thats right its : Praise Friday here in this house : Is God real to me? : And he believed! Believed GOD! God declared him Set-Right-with-God. Gen. 15:6 And he [Abram] believed in (trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness (right standing with God). Gen. 15:6 : God has directly talked to you! Not a man, God! Faith comes from God it is fruitage of Gods spirit, this goes beyond I am now in direct face to face contact! Although this is a vision who else can do something of this magnitude who? Then God repeats what my wife and I are longing for He is going to do that and beyond! I am way beyond the natural I left everything behind, family, friends, earthly security! I am not your normal average, I am a believer not on but in God! I am madly Love with God my trust does not come from this realm nor is it based on anything here, but it is real! I and Abram see Christ! : 8 By an act of faith, Abraham said yes to Gods call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. 9 By an act of faith he lived in the country promised him, lived as a stranger camping in tents. Isaac and Jacob did the same, living under the same promise. 10 Abraham did it by keeping his eye on an unseen city with real, eternal foundations--the City designed and built by God. : Abram just told Daddy on his giant, a bully his stronghold! What Abram did is shown right here : Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. 1 Sam 17:45, David answered, You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israels troops, whom you curse and mock. 1 Sam 17:45 : 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. John 14:13-14 : im•pute (ɪmˈpyut) v.t. -put•ed, -put•ing. 1. to attribute or ascribe: The children imputed magical powers to the old woman. 2. to attribute or ascribe (something discreditable) to someone or something. 3. to attribute (righteousness, guilt, etc.) to a person or persons vicariously. 4. to charge (a person) with fault
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 14:22:47 +0000

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