Good morning barely my wonderful family & friends. Well yesterday - TopicsExpress


Good morning barely my wonderful family & friends. Well yesterday wasnt much of anything. Had to go help a lawyer friend of mine with his email issues and turns out that Brighthouse had issues with their servers so no big deal with that. Nothing going on today except yard work. Did all my laundry last night between Wii tennis sessions, LOL!! Dont exactly get the workout from a Wii tennis set but you sure get some cardio action going!!! Went to my Sisters house last night and she made fresh Chinese food for supper........YUMMY!!! Really good stuff!!! I got the leftovers!!! So I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday. God Bless!! James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Father please accept my prayers today for all fallen heroes, all our wonderful Veterans (who we ARE NOT taking care of), all the unemployed or underemployed who seek a better life, my family & friends, all heroes serving our country in the military, Billy Graham, all children suffering thru cancer, my old friend Wayne & family & Bridgette, Dennis & Jodette & family, my friend Judy, Suzzan & family especially the younger son Austin, Walt Blenner with his great work he does as a lawyer & his mom, Susan Weber, my friend Vicki, my high school buddy John White & family, Mike D & his mom Lisa, Michele-Dave & boys, Scott Morrison, Scot Morrison & family, Marge & extra prayers for Bill, Ken & family, Perry & Rebecca, Gary H & family, the Hollins family, Josh G & mom Karyn, Erik D & Laura, Orin & Debbie, Melinda-Ralphie & kids, Jeremy & family especially that new little girl Lillianne Rose, Bruce & Gail, Kyle-Kristyn & Andrea & the blessing on the way, my friend Ralph, my brother Greg & family, Paige, Nora-Arnie & family, Erin & Steven & their new baby girl Caroline & the blessing on the way, Alicia & Brian & dogs & cats, Steve Roesch & family, Bob & Sis & their dogs & opossum, my Mom & Howard (especially Mom with the onset of dementia), Ron & Sherrill & Jason, Jessi & the twins on the way, Joe & Belinda, Dave & Robin & Chris, RJ & family, Harborside Church, The Congress-Senate-President in hopes they start thinking about America instead of themselves, America & Our Constitution in hopes we can return both to the greatness they were at one time & bring God back into our country!!! Everyone please keep our country in your prayers as we face more years of a president who it trying to take God out of our country and put Muslims in charge!!! Stand up and be counted Americans, do something for your country for a change!!! The country is NOT supposed to take care of you, you are supposed to take care of your country!!!
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 15:59:27 +0000

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