Good morning everyone. Manpreet Marway and Stuart Eaton have - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone. Manpreet Marway and Stuart Eaton have each nominated me for the ice bucket challenge, whereas Robert Berg has asked me to name my top ten books. Have I ever said how much I love and admire Rob?! ;-) So... apologies that I am being a bit tardy in my response on the Ice Bucket challenge - check back later today, and in the mean time, please do donate to As to my ten favourite books :-) In your status, write your top 10 books that have stayed with you. They dont have to be great literature, but ones from any era in your life that have had an impact. You then need to tag 10 friends and tag me so I can see your recommendations. I am agreeing with Rob that a restriction to storybooks (not quite novels) makes this a little bit easier. Roughly in chronological order of first reading: 1. The Patchwork Cat, Nicola Bayley and William Mayne 2. Winnie the Pooh, A A Milne 3. 1984, George Orwell 4. Ulysses, James Joyce 5. Atonement, Ian McEwan 6. A la recherche du temps perdu, Marcel Proust 7. Unless, Carol Shields 8. The Time Travelers Wife, Audrey Niffenegger 9. The Closed Circle, Jonathan Coe 10. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John le Carre That was incredibly difficult and I feel as if I may just have lost any chance I had with Virginia Woolf, David Mitchell, Robert Harris, Kazuo Ishiguro, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, George R R Martin, Iain M Banks and many others. Apparently I need to tag ten friends to do this - this makes me quite cross, but here are ten people whose lists would interest me - Georgina Hardy, Meg Brand, Dan Squier, Shula Barnes, Dan Smith, Manpreet, (you give me ice, I give you books: so kind), Stephanie Ling (top tens!), Stephen Maloney, Matthew Somerville (worth a go though dont think hes here) and Frances Machell. Or, you know, just do it anyway! Have a lovely Sunday, everyone :-) Off to freeze some water... TCH
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 09:30:39 +0000

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