Good morning everyone and may Today be a blessed and prosperous - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone and may Today be a blessed and prosperous one. We must pray for others and our country. It seems as though the bottom is falling out and yet there are many people who has no idea about anything that is going on. There are people who doesnt know who is running (RUINING) the country. They have no idea about ANYTHING. It is sad yet I bet they voted and followed the advice of someone else or just selected anybody. I listen to simple questions that are being asked of people and the answers are unbelievable. We have a lot of uninformed, not so smart people whose heads are in the cloud. What little information that they are getting is almost NONE. So we hear unintelligent people saying a lot of STUPID things. Anybody can make a nice speech but it is the contents that counts. Like the so-called leader. He has no clue what he is doing politically (which is not much in the first place). He is a professional speaker but that is the end of it. His agenda is not one that is to better our COUNTRY but one that involves its destruction. He has been nothing but an enemy to our country. He wants us to be equal to other countries so instead of allowing us to be a strong country, it is his desire for us to be weak and be a sitting duck for some terrorist group. Why do I say that...he supports those that are trying to destroy us and ISRAEL. ISIS is taking over and probably the military vehicles that they have are the ones that he gave to the ISLAMIC Terrorist. He cant make a decision to stop them in their track but instead has done nothing. OUR MILITARY should have bombed them as they continued to move in open space then they would not have been able to get as strong as they are now. But instead he sends 300 of our top military personnel into these territories which could be an end for them. So if these top advisers are seized or murdered then another 300 of our top Military personnel will be a memory. After all, he has no respect for our military and he thinks that our Military is too big. He wants them replaced anyway. Each day, he gives more power to the enemy while he DOES NOTHING, not even take advice from those that has the experience. He is too busy with other unimportant things, like making speeches and pointing fingers...demonizing Republicans and those that refuse to agree with his agenda and tactics. Busy dividing our country and yeah...cant forget that he has A PHONE and A PEN. Somehow, it is his belief that he is a KING or some god that he can do WHATEVER HE PLEASES and DARE ANYONE to say or do anything about it. So you see this a reason we need to pray. We also need to pray for the influx of children and illegals that are entering our country every day. We have kids that have to live with their parents because they cant get a job and if they get one, the government has found a way that they can take a big chunk of that. It is usually only a part time job at that. Yet the president and most of the liberals want to make many people think that our economy is doing well. That is why 50 million people are on food stamps, 50 million people are in poverty. Just to think every illegal alien are getting FREE MEDICAL and FOOD STAMPS and they are taking from our people keeping them at the poverty level. Feed them and continue to give them free stuff (what hard working people have worked for). It is like feeding an animal, as long as you feed it will continue to come around and then they will start bringing their friends. Then it is very difficult to get rid of them. In my neighborhood we had to put up a sign that says DONT FEED THE DUCKS. At the zoo there is a sign that says DONT FEED THE ANIMALS. So the more we give the more they want. So like the BIBLE says...a man that doesnt work doesnt eat. So we must really pray for our country. We must stand up against the ENEMY. The den of VIPERS must be killed. If we dont they will continue to multiply and become even more dangerous to us. IF GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING... EVIL WILL CONTINUE TO STRIVE. IF WE EMBRACE EVIL...IT WILL DESTROY US.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 10:00:14 +0000

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