Good morning folks! Forgive me for not posting as often as I - TopicsExpress


Good morning folks! Forgive me for not posting as often as I normally do, Ive had much going on lately and been trying to sneak on when I can but its tough at times, although I can say that my distractions have been well worth my time :) Anyways, Obamacare.. What a complete joke this has been! We had a $400 million dollar budget for the creation of the webpage and they STILL couldnt get it right! If there has EVER been a time to take a look at why the private sector is so much better than the government it is now. Had something like this happened in the private sector the business would have lost its investors, had to file bankruptcy, and may very well have wound up in court for fraud for misappropriation of funds under false pretenses. But alas, the omnipotent government can do no wrong in its legislative malpractice because laws have been created for its protection. Theres no accountability and with the honesty from the administration theres many people who have no idea! Tell me in what world we live in where $400 million doesnt buy the best of the best in the IT world. Almost half a billion dollars spent on this and now the administration says they will be bringing in the best and the brightest to fix the problems yet nobody is asking why they werent employed to begin with! Where did half a billion dollars go? With that much money you can buy a property, put up a huge building and build a server bank large enough to handle half the web traffic on the east coast yet our efficient government couldnt manage to build a site that handles a few hundred thousand people a day and its sickening. Then to top it off when people called for phone support all they could say is refer to the website!!! The blatant abuse of taxpayer money with this should be enough to show anyone that the government is NOT the solution to our problems and it never has been, it IS the problem! This is exactly what happens when you give people who allow emotion and ideology to trump logic and reason control over such a major aspect of our lives, when people that can not be held liable for their misdeeds are allowed to run roughshod with power, and when people who are more concerned with what they can get for nothing than they are common sense approaches to issues cheer them on. Its ineptness to its fullest extent and were the ones footing the bill. The madness has to end, period. We have to get the ideologues and the irresponsible out of office if were ever to fix this nation. Theyre the ones who created this mess and its going to take strong willed people who know whats right and wrong to stand up and lead our way out of this. Beaver Twitter: @misledpatriot @Patriot_Beaver
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:30:02 +0000

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