Good morning my friends. I got up at 2:05 this morning and that is - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends. I got up at 2:05 this morning and that is a little early, even for me, but itchy, burning feet of the results of neuropathy kept me wide awake. Sometimes I tell Vickie that I am itching to death, but is always quick to remind me that nobody has ever died from itching. Well, I don’t care what she says…I am itching to death! While reading the post of my friends for almost an hour, I realize that many are going through hardships and I have been in prayer for the ones I have read. Most of us are most richly blessed and we need to give thanks for that each and every day. After reading some of the posts, my itchy feet seem minor in comparison. I have a host of friends who are celebrating their birthdays today, July 20th. A few come to mind like Steve Gambill, Shelly Johns, Rachel Davis, just to name a couple of them. I know there are many more, but at 2:45 this morning, it’s just hard to recall them all. I am still in my sixties today and all day long and I will try to make it last as I push toward a new decade in my life. I have tried my best to keep my age a secret because I still think like I am a young man. I have many young friends and do not think myself as their elder and it just doesn’t seem right to realize that I actually am. Dang, what happened to the time. I remember when my first cousin, Pete Belk, turned thirty years old and I thought if I could live that long, I’d be happy. Then when my dad passed away in 1970 at the age of fifty-seven, I thought he was an old man. Now, here it will be July, 21 on the morrow and I will be celebrating the 41st anniversary of my 29th birthday. That is 70, (seventy) for those of you who do not have a calculator handy. I find it really hard to believe it myself; I still think like I am in my forties. Most of my body realizes it is seventy, but my knees and feet feel like they are eighty-five. Vickie has been working tirelessly preparing for my birthday like it will be the birthday of the century and nobody else has ever lived this long, so please come by the gallery tomorrow and help her and my friends celebrate the special day with some cake and cup cakes and all kinds of goodies. You know, I am always talking about my breakfast food, cheese crackers and ginger snaps, so I thought it fitting to have some of them on hand, too. I hope to get lots of hugs, and kisses from the ladies, but I will be satisfied with a handshake from most of you fellows, but a hug would still be alright as long as you dong linger too long with it. Well, it’s after 3:00 now and my feet have calmed down a little bit, so I think I’ll go back to bed for a little while. I had better study my Sunday school lesson for today is Church going day and I don’t want to appear too dumb in class. Oh, by the way…I just received word yesterday that the segment of North Carolina Now on PBS that will be featuring my friend Stephen Brooks and me will air this Friday evening, July 25 at 7:30 in the evening. Please tune in and see a little bit of Mooresville on a rainy day. Have a good day my friends and please come by tomorrow and say howdy and help me eat all that cake, after all I am a diabetic and I don’t need it. God Bless!!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 07:23:48 +0000

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