Good morning my most beloved family. The stillness of a glorious - TopicsExpress


Good morning my most beloved family. The stillness of a glorious Sunday is here and I raise my voice to heaven and humbly say Thank You Glorious Master. Its my sincere wish that everyone is enjoying this holiday weekend as I know weve had a great time here at Casa Alegre. This morning Id like to share with yall and honor Papa God with four verses found in the Bible written by Peter in 1 Peter 5:6-9: Humble yourselves, therefore, under Gods mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. When times get tough in our lives and it seems like the every inch of the world is closing in our us, we panic. Nothing to be ashamed of as this is a very human trait in all of us. And anybody who suffers from anxiety will be the first to attest to this. Its in those very times, the darkest hours that if we look with our hearts, we will see a single light glowing brightly. Thats the light gifted us reassuring us all will be alright. My dearest family I tell yall this is very true and we have to remember this. Its exactly the dark hours of our lives that the old devil man relishes the most. This is the time when he can stick his ugly tail in our business or send his minions to do his bidding when were feeling down. What we have to do when all this is happening is look for the light that glows within us. And if it means going off to a quiet place and closing our eyes to visualize this light so be it. That light my family is our Glorious God reassuring us that He never will leave our sides. When we all realized and accepted the power of salvation and giving ourselves over fully to heaven, it didnt come with assurances that all would be a walk in the park every single day of our existence. It doesnt work that way. Everything in the world happens to be a balance of good and evil, light and darkness. It has nothing to do with us personally, but began a long time ago when a fateful decision was made in the Garden of Eden. Our Father knows this and really has accepted this as part of what goes on in the beautiful world He created for us. But please dont despair for one iota of a second. Reason being that God loves us so, so much and believe you me when I say He has all the faith in the world in each of us. There are times when we may feel useless or worthless and those are times when we must stand firm as these are the opportunities that ugly old devil man relishes the most. These are the times that old devil man will also tempt us into doing or thinking things that are askew so he can plant evil in us. Please dont fall victim to it. If someone does something bad to you or makes you feel bad dont cuss them out. If life throws you a curve ball that you never saw coming, panic if you must for a few seconds but then release the problem to heaven. The problem may not go away that very second but with faith intact, we know the problem will soon dissipate as quickly as it entered our lives. There will always be problems in our lives, but even as big as those problems may seem, somewhere in the world someone has problems a thousand times worse than ours. And Id like to think that those persons too are relying on their heart lights to get them through. First and foremost when lifes hiccups are thrown our way dont be proud but rather humble yourselves and sincerely go to God in prayer and if nothing else simply say, Father Im scared and this situation seems bad but my faith in you is great and I know that however big my problem is You are a billion times bigger and I have faith Youll not leave my side for one second. My family each of you are such beautiful works of our Heavenly Father. Dont ever let life overtake you and dont ever let that wonderful heart light that lives in each of you grow dim. Heres a hug to let you know that I love all of you and so does our Papa God, Christ our Savior and our Awesome Holy Spirit. Have a wonderful day which it will be when you walk in peace and with a grateful heart declare it your day.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:18:59 +0000

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