Good or bad, feelings need expression. they must b recognized n - TopicsExpress


Good or bad, feelings need expression. they must b recognized n given freedom to reveal themselves. it isnt really wise 2 hide behind a smile wen ur heart s breaking. my heart breaks wen i hear pipol who cnt simply live a day without making intriga 4 others. my heart breaks whenever i hear pipol who cnt smply appreciate d true meaning of happiness which s to feel happy 4 those who r happy.I may not b living in a lap of luxury but im proud 2 say dat at this stage of my life, i feel happy, content, fulfilled, and well-loved by pipol who matter 2 me. if theres one thing God has gven me dat i should b thankful for, that is, he opened the door of reconciliation btwen me and my in-laws. I know this statement makes u raise ur eyebrows!! but hey, subey kam maha inu-inu bng angey leyna ko magkahap ka bnan in-laws ko pasal long b4 ajie and I got married, asal bey mgkalsa family ko ka family c ajie. my dad fought and stood 4 late uncle Ib. my dad bey magkalsa maka late mboh Hji. Buzon Sarabi sambil ya ley magsaksi mg dinakan maka late Uncle Hji. Simulong. lae na sidja niya misunderstanding after we got married dats y lae na magkaloman mag asip. bcos of this, pipol saw an opportunity 2 raise issues n controversies in order 2 ruin us but tnx God in spite of that r marriage stood d test of time. minsan maha mag asip family ko ka family halla ko, na MAHA gi sab niya ma family ko beyni sulatan ni tulah-tulah le family halla ko and VV. haniya gi sab ma family ko beyni lurey ma lan le family halla ko and VV. bang ya heya ma kaam ni katulasan ako le pamikitan ko well i dont give a heck!pasal maha bsta2x ta gantian ko lasa bnan in-laws ko ma duwa anak ko especially c MAM agon maha na taharap na baran na lena malangka c binladen sambil ma lan ni soboan kulang dakuman sambil langit ni kondoan iya. we r enjoying wat we have ryt now and dats ol bcos of my mother-in-law. i must give credit 2 anti murang, anti neng, anti atik for their love n support ma kami. also 2 my dad n mom, my brothers n sister, who constantly remind me not 2 listen 2 critics.. so y should i bother myself 2 feel angry if pipol lyk u r shouting 2 d whole world na ni katulasan ako le in-laws ko? hahahaha.seeing dem how much dey adore my children is enough 4 me. i can see dat their love n concern 4 my children is immense! maha ako bey magsasah or mg tulah-tulah ka anti Nydia Sarabi.. kaam na koh bey mung dalowa kami kokok. na kokok niya time sulagut pamikil cga hangkan t maha maghati t magkaloman. I love my anti nay! maha takypat ko lasa na ma kami ka kakah ko. i can still vividly remember, bang niya maras tahak ma luma siga t hinang na halo2x ni patannaan susu boh kami alah na ka kakah ko mangan halo2x. u see, hangkan kami lanuh ka poteh pasal asar kami bey biyasa nginum susu kaam lu bohe tallak hangkan kam ngalendom! kaya advice ko ma kaam, if u want 2 b healthy morally, mentally, n physically, pls a million of pls live and let live! ya pahapun b leh b mag hinang, b happy 4 others, daa na pakiaalamin b amag lakibini, lahiin b samuah ma muha b, malli kam miracle cream 4 ur hopeless face, nginum kam gamut ka kam nganak ka niya sab sehe anak kmi mg compete in the future, sumbahayang kam pahap ka heka haradjiki b minsan kam mole na ni bey kambal bohe b na heka na capital b. and let me close dis by saying, thank you but ur effort was not enough 2 create havoc between me n my in-laws. at one point, i consider u as a blessing in disguise bcoz u drove me closer 2 d pipol I long 2 love like my in-laws and anti nay. and FYI, ders nothing dat cud come btween me and ajie. we r destined 2 love and b with each other 4 d rest of r lives. we r one and inseparable. I vowed 2 him dat he will b the man i will grow old with...and Im sure Im the only WOMAN HE WILL DIE FOR..thanks my kaki
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 02:25:01 +0000

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