Government & Politics: Alabama GOP Chairman Suggests Obama is a - TopicsExpress


Government & Politics: Alabama GOP Chairman Suggests Obama is a Sociopath. Carole VanSickle Ellis | August 26, 2014 According to Merriam-Webster, a |sociopath is someone who “behaves in a dangerous way…and does not feel guilty about such behavior”[1]. According to a recent article penned by Alabama state GOP Chairman Bill Armistad, the president meets the criteria, and the latest evidence, says Armistad, is President Obama’s latest behavior “amidst an international crisis in the Middle East, a national crisis in Missouri, and the beheading of American journalist James Foley by ISIS.” Armistad went on to say that in the wake of these events, “President Obama practiced his golf swing by day and his dance moves by night” while vacationing for two weeks in Martha’s Vineyard[2]. Armistad might be making waves with his column, but he’s not the first to suggest that our president might not be taking things seriously enough while in office – and he’s not the first to toss out the word “sociopath” either. Wayne Root, former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and self-proclaimed “Capital Evangelist” recently suggested in an article published in the The Blaze that “things aren’t going so well for America” because its sitting president is “an arrogant, egomaniacal sociopath”[3]. Root defines sociopath as someone with “an antisocial personality disorder [that may be] well-liked because of their charm and high charisma.” However, he notes, true sociopaths “do not usually care about other people” and “think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do.” Root attended Columbia University with Obama and said he has been “trying to tell America about Obama’s ‘problem’ for seven long years now.” The root of the president’s problem, said Root, is that he does not feel that he needs to attend to anything outside of his own personal life. According to PolitiFact, a non-partisan fact-checker, Obama did not convene one single meeting of his own Jobs Council in the year before he shut it down completely with 12 million Americans still officially unemployed but he did attend 106 fundraisers in in the last six months of the council’s existence. Armistad takes these complaints even farther, accusing the president of “shut[ting] himself off from the rest of the country” and exhibiting “appalling…disregard for the state of our nation.”
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 20:04:46 +0000

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