Government schools are not allowed to promote any religion, and - TopicsExpress


Government schools are not allowed to promote any religion, and for good reason, being that we have a separation of church and state. Yet I notice that the government run prison system doesnt have a problem promoting religion. Its true, lots of people that work for the system, agents of the state, tell prisoners that if they want to get out faster, they need to show how they converted to Christianity or Islam. This is an obvious violation of the constitution, but dont expect any judge or news media outlet to point this out any time soon. I swear, if the state isnt promoting this slave religion called Christianity, they promote its twin, Communism, but on a subtle level. They call it progressive, but were really being spoon-fed Keynesian economic crap. Schools have no place promoting religion, prison should be no exception.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 06:26:58 +0000

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