Gratitude Day 36: Adventure defined as an unusual and exciting, - TopicsExpress


Gratitude Day 36: Adventure defined as an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous experience or activity. I have had my share of adventures in my life. From jumping off of bridges into the cold waters of the Chattahoochee river, to all of the usual high school mischief racing cars, getting into scuffles and weekend road trips, flying in helicopters while shooting THE ISLAND, working for a summer on a ship in the Bahamas, moving by myself to New York City in my early twenties then a few years later here to Los Angeles racing in Triathlons ........... I could go on and on with the scores of adventures I have enjoyed, each individual one. But instead want to show gratitude for this adventure of life. A major change that has occurred for me in the past year is a shift in perspective of so many things in this daily journey in fact a shift in the way I look at life itself. Everything I do has become more of an adventure for a couple of reasons. When basic everyday things like driving, cooking, riding a bike, tasting, even taking a walk outside disappear for a while when you get those things back the adventure of experiencing them reignites and you find the magic in doing the simplest of activities or experiences you have. When you are isolated and alone with your thoughts for an extended period of time it is natural to start a sort of inventory process an index in your brain. I have never........traveled to Africa, gone windsurfing, seen the Arctic, taken my family to see the sequoyahs, learned a foreign language, taken a hike on The Great Wall of China.....the list goes on and on. The small things turn into adventures and the big things seem more worthwhile to plan and save for than ever. Every day is an unusual and exciting experience and there is a certain amount of hazard just being out in the world soaking it all up taking it all in. You never know who you might run into or who you might meet, who may learn a lesson from you or teach you one, what crazy circumstance may happen or what new experience may surprise you. In my class at USC I encourage my students to have a LEAP moment once a week. To force themselves to have an outside their comfort zone or brand new experience whether it is trying something new to eat or watching a sunrise at the top of a canyon. LEAP moments are mini or major adventures to spice up your life and appreciate some of what is available to you or that you are capable of. When you think about it Life is a series of LEAP moments strung together into one great adventure. with Lisa Campbell McCorkle
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:48:27 +0000

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