Gratitude is on my mind. Apologies to my sister-in-law, Noel - TopicsExpress


Gratitude is on my mind. Apologies to my sister-in-law, Noel Carpino Saverino---you can tell I get behind on checking FB regularly but I do have a daily ritual around gratitude. I started it when I took a reiki 1 class. Most days before I even get out of bed I recite a reiki prayer---Just for today, I will live the attitude of gratitude....I will let go of anger. I will let go of worry. I will do my work honestly. I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing. Most days I fail to live this perfectly, but I wake up and try again the next day. While I shower or brush my teeth I list things I am grateful for----people, opportunities, my faith, my health----though that has been sketchy lately. I set an intention for the day----usually around accomplishing something or finishing something I have started. Often the things or people I am grateful for seem to repeat, but I try to broaden my horizons and recognize that there will always be the givens---my husband, my daughters and their spouses, my sister and nephew and Marks family----people I wish I got to see more often. In this last week alone I have expressed my gratitude for having gotten to spend time with Cas, my brother-in-law, last weekend when the Dodgers were in town. I was thankful that I got to see my nephew Cas coach his sons soccer team and spend a little time with Mal and Chase. I am grateful to my sisters-in-law, Cindy Evans Saverino and Noel Carpino Saverino for paving the path to grandparenthood----though never in a million years did I think Cindy would beat me there! LOL MIchelle Eaton Saverino --it is just you and me---taking any bets? The older I get the more important family gets and the more grateful I am to be a part of the Saverino clan.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:21:40 +0000

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