Great friendship can really last an eternity KATHY YODER Posted: - TopicsExpress


Great friendship can really last an eternity KATHY YODER Posted: Jul 4, 2014, 10:00 AM My friend Vickey had her birthday this week. Even though she told me that she’s not celebrating or even acknowledging birthdays any more, we got together and had a non-celebratory celebration. I insisted. After all, I’m older and I still celebrate. Therefore, she cannot be too old to celebrate. I didn’t make her wear a party hat, though. We shared a dinner. We had a great talk. There may have been a few tears, but not too many. Mainly, we laughed a lot. And I gave her a card. When I fill out cards, I usually write what pops into my head. As I was filling out Vickey’s card, I wrote about how thankful I am that she’s my friend. And that I’m blessed to have her in my life. Then I wrote about how happy I am that God brought us together. And He did. We met in a grief group, of all places, and became friends in the group and beyond. Sometimes God brings people into your life for a little while and even if you never see them again, they have made an impact and your life is changed. They are with you for a minute, an hour, a day, or a season. Somehow you know when they leave that you’re unlikely to see them again, but you’re thankful for the time you knew them and for what you learned. Some people are acquaintance type friends. You like them, but you don’t see them much. You would probably become good friends, but circumstances and busy lives get in the way. When you see them, you always have something to talk about. You enjoy their company. Then you each go on with your lives until you run into each other again. Other people you meet and friendship is not something that becomes even a little blip on the radar. That’s OK. No one can be friends with everyone they meet, but at the very least you can treat each other with respect. But some people you meet and they are immediately friends for life. That’s Vickey. I was telling Vickey about when I went to Mexico and met a pastor’s wife there. Her name is Lupita. The very first day I met her, we had a connection. Later on in the day she said something to me that I’ve never forgotten. “Even though we’ve just met, Kathy, I feel as though I’ve known you all my life. A friend once told me that when that happens, it is the Holy Spirit recognizing Himself between the two of you.” Wow. The minute Lupita said that, it made perfect sense. It explains how it’s possible to meet someone and immediately know they are a lifelong friend. To immediately have an unexplainable connection. Because it’s a spiritual connection, it stands the test of time. Because it’s a spiritual friendship, there is a trust and commitment that might not normally exist. A friendship that is built on faith is the deepest friendship that exists. I will probably never see Lupita again, but I still pray for her and her family. I still think about her in Mexico and the challenges that living there brings. But I know that whatever troubles arise in her life, she will be depending on the Lord to carry her through. It’s the same with Vickey. When I was filling Vickey’s birthday card out I wrote that because we are both believers, we are not only lifelong friends, we are friends for eternity. It wasn’t until I actually wrote that down in the card that I realized that it’s true. It’s not something I’ve ever consciously thought about. But in the Bible it says that we will recognize one another in Heaven. I find such hope in knowing that I’ll see my loved ones again. Of course Vickey and I will be friends in Heaven because we are friends for eternity. It puts a whole different spin on friendship. It’s not a fleeting thing that ends when we leave this earth. It lives on forever. It’s like when someone becomes a believer and surrenders his or her life to Jesus. Eternity doesn’t begin the moment we leave this earth. Eternity begins the moment we put our hand into the hand of Jesus! Kathy Yoder is a devotional writer. kathyyoder4@gmail.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 04:54:59 +0000

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