Greetings All My relations, We are all one. today I am sharing The - TopicsExpress


Greetings All My relations, We are all one. today I am sharing The Medicine Wheel teachings. When the first landmass was created from the waters it was one giant continent. We call this turtle Island, some call in Pangaea. On this land Creator made man in the four colors, Red, yellow, white and black. Now each of these peoples were given a direction, and knowledge and power of and element. All Medicine wheels have the four colors, but the position of the colors may change position from nation to nation. The Yellow man was given knowledge and power of the Air. This is why Asian people know of Chi, Ki, breathing meditations and such. The people of the South, Blacks were given Water. All the ceremonies and songs of these people are about water, even today African children may walk 9 miles to fill water bladders. the people of the west, Red peoples, were given knowledge and power over the Earth, meaning animals , plants and the medicine of them. And the White people of the cold North were give knowledge and power over fire. while they may have used it for warmth, perhaps you can think of combustion engines, electricity etc. and perhaps taking it too far in the creation of destructive devices. Now on the original landmass all the people traded their knowledge back and forth from north and south, east and west peoples, as the found they were all inner-connected to everything and they lived in harmony. (So example my people practice acupuncture, though we use porcupine quills, while other southern tribes might use cactus pins) They understood that in our bodies is the need for all these elements also and understood the Creator, though the names of such were different. long long ago, the Earth began to shift and the land began to break apart. As the people became disconnected from each other they began to think that they had all the knowledge and power and Creator God all to themselves. That their way was the only way. As they began to travel across the oceans and discover their neighbors they took this idea with them and rather an learn and appreciate their neighbors they took, and ravished the land and the people. All was out of harmony. When you learn of medicine wheel teaching, you begin again to understand the inter-connective-ness of all things. That the Air is important for all, that Earth is our sustainer, the Water is our healer and Fire our warmth and desires. But as we swing farther out of balance, we experience the destruction of all the elements and our Mother that sustains us. I dont think I have to state obvious of the Keystone pipelines, fracking, oil spills, etc. I am sure all are aware and perhaps then this is why we are searching for the spider people to help us connect. Now the story goes that when the Earth is ravaged of its resources, the sea is blackened that the people from the four colors of man will emerge as one tribe of the Rainbow people. The spider people, keepers of the legends, stories and ceremonies will connect the people and the Rainbow people how to live in harmony with the Great Spirit Creator and save our Mother. I pray that everyone stays on their path and walks the good red road and learns as much as you can to blot out discrimination from others and building a world in which we can all be teachers to our young so as they can be Warriors of the Rainbow.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:33:39 +0000

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