Greetings Senator Murkowski; Thank you for coming to speak - TopicsExpress


Greetings Senator Murkowski; Thank you for coming to speak with us in Nenana Alaska. One of the things I love about Alaska is that we can get up close and personal with our elected representatives. Once the citizens and their representatives stop talking to each other we cease to have a truly American system. I am writing to you to clarify some of our complaints from Monday the 17th in Nenana, AK. One problem that disturbs me about the legislators that I have met over the past two years is that they seem unable to take responsibility for their voting record or they dodge tough questions. I have often seen legislators simply hear the complaint and repeat back to the disgruntled citizen what they had said and then say, Next question please. On three issues raised in Nenana you were able to actually give a clear answer about legislation you are proposing to solve such problems, but on the other issues you seemed to simply echo back to us our own complaints, with no one to blame and no legislative solution. Yes, we felt like you heard us, but what next? I have two examples. One, the banker bailouts of 2008-2009 under presidents Bush and Obama, were the wrong action to take. You stated that we needed to take action to keep the economy from collapsing, and you also voted for the first bailout. I reminded you that, as a republicans, we are supposed to practice a free market economy and that taking money from the public treasury to pay off the private debts of risky investors is not a free market practice. Bailing out these irresponsible banks did not save the economy, it made it more dangerous. By bailing out the private banking sector, we have only encouraged more risky investment in bad loaning practices, for those that were responsible for the banking crisis now believe they can blackmail congress into paying for their gambling addiction by threatening some sort of fairy land economic apocalypse. The narcissistic delusions of a minority of bankers, who believe that the economy cant function without them, should not dictate the economic policies of congress. They should have been allowed to fail under the weight of their own bad debt, to clear the economy of a centralized banking cartel. Congress and the president have only strengthened a growing trend towards banking monopoly with the TARP bailouts. I predict that this monopolist banking cartel will try such things again if we do not put them in prison. This has only fed a monster that is still growing bigger and more menacing today. Specific legislative action should be taken, rather than saying, In Hindsight we should have done..., this or that. I ask you to put forth legislation to begin an independent counsel investigation, like that started for the Clinton, white water, scandal. They should have full subpoena powers and the ability to bring the guilty to trial. I want congress to investigate the roles of former secretaries of the treasury, Hank Paulson, and, Timothy Geithner, during the 2008-09 bailouts. Both were former Goldman Sachs executives, and Goldman Sachs used bailout funds to leverage buy outs of competing banks. This is obviously a conflict of interest. Furthermore I want presidents Bush and Obama, and Mitt Romney also investigated, for their largest campaign contributors were Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions. Congress and the American people deserve to have this thoroughly investigated to restore confidence in our system of government. A pew research pole said that only 17% of Americans have confidence in the government. This is scandalous. We need to be assured that the public is protected from the powers of bribery by financial interests and economic terrorism that has been openly and brazenly displayed by the money powers. Furthermore I ask you to propose or support restoring the Glass–Steagall Act, which would have prevented the banking crisis. To date, those most responsible for this economic terrorism have not been brought to justice. They should be tried, found guilty and punished with a long stretch of prison time. My second concern was originally about your support of NDAA(National Defense Authorization Act), for you voted for it. It is now codified into law that U.S. troops can arrest and detain al-Qauda and associated forces including, a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces. I ask you as a senator, does the NDAA authorize the military to arrest and detain indefinitely the President of the United States and those officials in the executive branch that ordered support of these al-Qauda forces in Lybia? Does it authorize the military to arrest and detain senators and representatives that voted to authorize support of these libyan rebels associated with al-Qaeda? According to the NDAA our president has become an enemy combatant by using US airpower to bomb Libya, thus aiding Al-Qaeda and associated forces in overthrowing that nations existing government. Many senators, such as John McCain and the Obama administration have been pushing to support Al-Qaeda and associated forces yet again, in Syria. The efforts to arm and finance these terrorists is an act of treason, and I need not remind you of the penalty of treason in the code of law. Syria has one of the oldest and largest Christian populations in the Muslim middle east. Syrian Christians date back to the times of the Apostles, yet individuals in our government have supported the very terrorists that in the past years have been murdering and raping Christians from Syria, and all across North Africa to Libya. Why would the leaders of a Judeo-Christian America finance and arm terrorists to kill Christians in Libya and Syria? If you have any doubts about the crimes of those Senator McCain and Obama supported I ask you to look at these links... thenewamerican/world-news/asia/item/15562-syrian-rebels-massacre-christian-village theblaze/stories/2013/06/30/catholic-priest-beheaded-in-syria-by-al-qaeda-linked-rebels-as-men-and-children-take-pictures-and-cheer/ cbsnews/news/al-qaeda-linked-rebels-assault-syrian-christian-village/ So what now? I ask you and you fellow senators to reverse this policy and send American troops to assist the Syrian Government of Bashir Assad. The Syrian government and the USA have a common enemy, codified in US law called the NDAA that authorizes the military to wage war against Al-Qaeda and associated forces. Furthermore, I want congress to appoint and independent council to investigate the acts of treason within our own government that gave aid to the terrorist enemies of our country. You could show true leadership by being one of the first to propose such in congress. Why have many senators and the president treasonously chosen to support the enemy? If you have any doubts about who the enemy is then think long and hard about these allies of the administration as you watch these links... https://youtube/watch?v=jxkDlTAsSk4 https://youtube/watch?v=Avu6hhvJWos https://youtube/watch?v=8SD5QWi-FRU There are confirmed reports of the rebels decapitating children who will not convert to Islam. A nine year old girl was decapitated with a carpenters saw. Another Christian man was beheaded and fed to dogs. In one case a terrorist ate portions of a dead Syrian soldiers heart. This is not spreading democracy around the world. Is this what America stands for? Is this what you as a senator believe in? Now once again we see President Obama and congress supporting the overthrow of yet another nations government in Ukraine. There are many reports that neo-Nazi groups are apart of the, Protest, movement and a synagogue has been hit with arson by them. Some of the protestors are trying to hunt down reporters and kill them for documenting some of their crimes. Why was ambassador Nuland discussing who she wanted to replace the Ukrainian prime minister with? Why has the State Department in a premeditated manner planned the overthrow and destabilization of Ukraine and installed its pick for prime minister? https://youtube/watch?v=d0ucuLhmaxM larouchepac/node/30018 Your answer, to this illegal interference in Ukraine, was that if we just pumped more oil and Gas domestically then Russia would not be able to impose its will on Europe and Ukraine with the Russian pipeline that goes through Ukraine to Europe. Perhaps such a viewpoint has something to do with Ambassador Nulands comment, F--K the EU! in her leaked conversation. Frankly, this looks like an attempt to grab up yet more oil interests around the world for the USA and its big oil constituent financial donors. I have three sons, and I am not willing to have them drafted to fight in a world war with Russia over such obscene interference in foreign affairs. And I am certainly not going to have them get shot or blown up to establish a Western oil monopoly. These are illegal activities and should be investigated. Oil is not the solution in Ukraine, it is the problem. Many say that the disaster of the Iraq war, and Afghanistan were fought for oil access. Ukraine and Syria seem to follow the same pattern. Americans are tired of these duplicitous dealings and want them to stop. Please stop supporting these destructive policies and help clean up our government from corruption and bribery. From Mike Grace, life long republican.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 02:29:15 +0000

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