Greetings brothers and sisters in the Lord. It’s so good to - TopicsExpress


Greetings brothers and sisters in the Lord. It’s so good to finally get a chance to update you in what the Lord has been doing here in Tries of campbell children center uganda . The Lord has truly been good to us and we have seen him manifest himself in many difficult situations. As many of you may remember God provided us small land for us last year . We now able to build our own apermanet house but it needed a lot of work like the building up the house , ceiling, flooring, plumbing, windows, secure doors, painting, and fencing. God provided the money we paid that small land and we hope when we get more help we will wide more land for farming ,. Of course we were jumping up and down with praises to God the day we were helped with the funds to buy that land ,and It was a miracle indeed. Even as I write this letter we plan working on the house and we hope to be in the house when the lord provide us the funds to set it up I know many of you are anxious to hear about my news going out in Tries of campbell children center and what plans we have . We now arrange for the kids christmass gifts and we hope we will receive so much support , that every kid will be able to have a gift on that day and we hope we will share it with the very old mother with in the village , so we are really thankful to you all who will stand with support to help . so we call u to encouraged us and prayed for us through it all. Thank you so much. We have been having some meals through the little support u have been helped with us , and this year the kids have been able at list to have a day meal with break fast which is a miracle because we could never have been able to come up with such money to buy the food for all of this kids . . I am happy to say that I am now happily with the kids has God have mad it for us in some days to have some love from u friends . Always friend i kindly asking many of you to pray for this orphan children in Tries of campbell children center ,and I am happy to let you know that through your prayers things are promising to become alright in furture time ,this is truly the work of the Lord. because When ever we begine to lose hope our God never sleeps, he work out the details all along. friends Several needy babies have joined In Tries of campbell children center in the last 3 years . We thank God for little lives. James is 3 years but looks like he is 5 years , Easter s Dad and mother disappeared and later they found her parents dead . peter mom died but his happy with us in Tries of campbell children center . Joseph was discovered by a dear friend late mother Rita on a pit and he is now also happy with us . friends here a bunch of orphan babies have been affected by measles. mark had it and he have recovered now Ruth has it and she is really struggling with it so please pray for her. and also mark too is showing signs of it. This is such a big storm for us but please stay close with your prayers. and support for medical care to enbles me take them to hosptial We are sad that mother Rita passed away in 0ne month ago . and the kids stil miss her a lot but we know that someday we will see her again in Heaven. We know is in a place of no suffering or disease. Thank you so much for your prayers and support u provide to us always , do pray for some for some orphan babies who have been seen with some sign of measles this month . Several of the God bless u , we all wish u a good labor day in USA our website is
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 07:25:38 +0000

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