Greetings from Uganda! Time is flying by here at Rafiki. Im - TopicsExpress


Greetings from Uganda! Time is flying by here at Rafiki. Im trying to savor every moment and I cant believe that I have been here for two weeks now! I had so many good intentions for keeping track of EVERYTHING that happens here... like journaling everyday (ha!). That lasted a couple days... I picked up my journal today and thought Ill just catch up and fill in the last few days... and I realized that a few days is really 12 days... So Ive given myself what I think is a more attainable goal: Every night quickly jot down the highlight of my day... and one thing I am thankful for. What I am thankful for today is... Clean water... Something we ran out of a few days ago. Well... we got our filter fixed... Mukama Yebazibwe! (Priase God!) but Mary and I wanted to stock up on fresh water just in case it happens again. So we walked to Quality, the local grocery store, and bought a couple jugs of water (2 6 liter bottles each) and walked back. In the African sun. Praying for African rain. :) So yes... I am thankful for clean water, and will try not to take it for granted as often as I do. I am loving it here. It’s so wonderful. The people are so beautiful… at the orphanage, and outside of it. We travelled to a village a couple hours away from the home. We stopped at the school there to spend time with the kids, playing soccer, singing, dancing, and just enjoying each other. Before the van is even parked, they are chasing it down the road shouting “Muzungu! Muzungu!” (which is the word they use for white person.) In the village, the language barrier is there. I don’t speak their language, and they don’t speak mine, but they just want to sit with us, sing with us, hang on our hands, arms, and legs… and simply be with us. It’s a picture of how we should be with God. I am so often caught up in my busy life that my time with just God sometimes ends up being me talking on (which can please Him… don’t get me wrong. There’s a time for everything.) But to be content just sitting and BEING WITH HIM… Being still. Knowing who He is. “In [His] presence there is fullness of JOY!” These kids at the village just wanted to sit and be with us. And it was precious. And I was encouraged to just sit with God and be with Him… that he might find me as precious as I found those little ones. (And I would encourage you all to do the same every once in a while… if I may. Stop thinking about life, and to-do lists, and just enjoy His presence.) I miss you all very much! And appreciate your prayers and love. Xoxo, Chels
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:27:26 +0000

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