Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset When we experience failure, run - TopicsExpress


Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset When we experience failure, run into a road block, or have some kind of set back, we can look at this in one of two ways. We can wallow in self pity and disappointment as if weve been let down, rejected, or believe we just arent smart enough or good enough to succeed. Or; we can see it as a challenge and use it as motivation to work harder, push ourselves farther......To keep growing and find out all we can as to why these negative things happened, and use what we learn to grow and improve. You see, in this world theres two kinds of people....Those with a fixed mind set......And those with a growth mind set. I dont think I need to go into a lot of detail here to explain the differences. Put simply, the fixed mind set hates change and does not like effort. To them, putting forth more effort or working harder means a deficiency, and that is unacceptable. For them tribulation and failure is unacceptable, while validation and recognition is everything. They believe their intelligence, personality, and character are fixed and can not be altered so why work harder to improve something they believe can not be improved? Their self worth is based on how smart and intelligent they look, so why risk the chance of doing something that could possibly make them look other than the way they wish to be perceived. These are the people who feel there is no room to grow therefor surround themselves with people they believe to be inferior to make themselves look superior. These are the people who point the finger of blame for all their failures at someone or something other than where it should be themselves. Know anyone like this? The famous Tennis player John McEnroe comes to mind. Definitely a fixed mind set. Instead of learning from his failures and set backs, he chose to make excuses for them. He could have easily been the best tennis player that ever lived if he would have had the right mind set. Now as far as those with a growth mind set, these people do not except where they are when it comes to intelligence, personality, character and just about any human trait. They believe every area of life can be improved with enough effort and hard work. Failure, tribulation, or any set back are seen and used as motivators to work harder, to push ones self even farther, not something to waste self pity or anger on. If at first they dont succeed, they work even harder and longer till they get it. Michael Jordon is a perfect example of a growth mind set. Believe it or not he was cut from his high school varsity team. Did he let that stop him? No! Thanks to his growth mind set, his hard work and determination turned him into the greatest NBA player of all time..... and, quite the successful business man after his BB career was over. Which Sports figures stand out most and are remembered more. Not those with natural talent or those who seemed to be endowed with a gift from above. Its those that worked there tails off to make it that stand out and are remembered. Those are the ones I remember and admire most. I can tell you from my own study and research into mind set that those with the growth mind set will climb higher, go farther, contribute more, and become more powerful leaders than those with a fixed mindset. https://facebook/Tips.from.Butch
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:43:53 +0000

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