Guys! EXCITING NEWS! it will all be worth it! We are running - TopicsExpress


Guys! EXCITING NEWS! it will all be worth it! We are running our Classic Car trip 8th May 2013 – 16th May 2013 Car Hindustan Ambassador (Amby) Price would be: 1195.00GBP per two people sharing a car or 1495.00GBP per single person in a car. it’s a one off deal and believe us when we say it would be almost impossible to come to India to drive an Ambassador at that price. No one has ever taken these cars over the route we have chosen! Day 01 (08.05.2013) Pick up from Delhi and Chandigarh and arrive at Aamod Tethys Ski & Spa Resort Narkanda(Western Himalaya). Day 02 (09.05.2013) Narkanda – Trial Run 75kms Today we set off on the ancient Indo Tibet highway for a short days drive as we get used to our Ambassadors around Narkanda nestled at 2,700 metres. Tonight we will get round a bonfire and eat from the hotels legendary bbq. Day 03 (10.05.2013) Narkanda – Sangla 140kms. We set of descending for the first 40kms down to the mighty Sutlet river. The views are amazing so make sure you have your camera charged as you will want to take lots of photographs on this visually stunning route. We will be camping tonight in luxurious tents on the banks of the Baspa river where you can hear wild bears call out through the night. Day 04 (11.05.2013) Sangla – Nako 125kms It’s best to have an early rise this morning and enjoy one of the most fabulous breakfasts available from any campsite in the Himalayas. There is so much about today’s drive that is just sensational as we pass the confluence of the Sutlej and Spiti rivers. We drive through a long valley before ascending 3,800 metres to our wonderful campsite which is next to a holy lake in Nako village. There is cave nearby that the guru Padmasambhava meditated and gave discourse to his followers. We will all get together this evening and watch the sun go down over the mountain peaks. I promise you that the memories of tonight will stay with you forever. If we are lucky our friend Shanta that owns the campsite will give a talk on Buddhism. Day 05 (12.05.2014) Nako – Kaza 120kms With a cool start to the day we will continue our ascent of the mountain with the peak of Reo Purgil (6,800metres) in our view. Once over the top we are dropping into the Spiti Valley which is the start of the most ultimate driving experience in the world. We will stop for lunch at the Buddhist temple in Tabo where the Dali Lama has chosen as his possible retirement home. Day 06 13.05.2014 Day in Kaza & around Today you can rest and take it easy. We will be arranging a visit to the highest village in the world at Komic and also visiting the ancient monastery, “Komic Lundup Chhemo” which belongs to the Sakyara sect of Tibetan Buddhism. You will feel like you are a thousand kilometres from anywhere as we are now truly in the land of the snow leopard. Day 07 14.06.2014 Kaza – Manali 200kms We set of early today for the most challenging drive of the trip so far. On a previous trip on this exact route I had three Tibetan wolves running alongside me for over a kilometre. I don’t know if you will be that lucky but who knows. We can view Asia’s second biggest glacier today as we head over two passes, Kunzum and Rothang. We will stop and have lunch at a very famous Dhaba situated in the middle of nowhwere that serves the best noodles and rice you have ever tasted. Watch out for the chilly !!! We have a stunning drive as we drop down from the Rothang pass into the alpine like Kullu Valley. Our hotel tonight is a splendid place called The Mayflower and if you have time you must visit ‘Old Manali” which is 5 minutes away on a tuk tuk. Day 08 15.06.2014. Manali – Narkanda 210kms Our last day today of an unforgettable driving adventure in the Himalayas. We head further down the Kullu valley which is famous for its beauty and majestic hills covered with pine and deodar forest and sprawling apple orchards. The drive to Narkanda is awe inspiring as the road weaves between towering mountains of weathered rock alongside the gushing Beas river and further onto Jalori Top. Tonight we can all put our feet up, have a lovely meal, a few drinks and discuss our favourite moments on the first ever Ambassador car trip in the Himalayas. We did it, well done !!!!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:34:26 +0000

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