HAPPY GURU POORNIMA TO ALL DEAR DEVOTEES AROUND THE GLOBE.RADHEY-RADHEY. India has always been and continues to be the spiritual master of the world. It has been the proud privilege of India to be the birth place of all great thinkers, Saints, sages and seers gifted with divine vision. Even in this day and age, the holy land of India is blessed with the appearance of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. Born in a village named Mangarh in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India, he has established the supremacy of his unique, extraordinary and absolute knowledge before the entire world. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is the original Jagadguru in the present age. What makes Shri Maharaj Ji uniquely different from all others is that he was honoured with the special title of Jagadguruttam (Supreme amongst Jagadgurus). According to the tradition being followed to date, the title of Jagadguru is bestowed on the invincible contestant in a debate on the sacred scriptures. How and why did this exceptional episode of honouring Shri Maharaj Ji with the title of Jagadguruttam happen? This is a question which naturally arises in the mind. In fact, Shri Maharaj Ji is endowed with qualities never before manifested in any Jagadguru. We need to therefore deliberate on these distinguishing characteristics, inspired by which, the acharyas of Kashi Vidvat Parishat honoured him with the title of Jagadguruttam. Some of these qualities are listed below. Shrimat-Padavyakya-pramana-paravarina: The Supreme Spiritual Master, the greatest scholar with unsurpassed knowledge of the scriptures, who is the unchallenged authority to interpret, reassert and validate to the entire world the core postulates of spiritual philosophy. This attribute is distinctly reflected in Shri Maharaj Jis discourses and sankirtan. When quoting chapter and verse from the Vedas and Shastras during a discourse, it appears as though he is leafing through an entire collection of scriptures lying before him. The oeuvre of Shri Maharaj Ji, whether in prose or poetry, propounds the most esoteric mysteries of the Vedas and Shastras in an absolutely simple and interesting manner. Each of his literary works, being in line with the Vedas and other scriptures, are indirectly a commentary on the Brahma Sutra. All one can say is that each composition of his contains a veritable sea of scriptural knowledge. In fact, his body of work is an ocean of Divine Love, delving deep into which makes even the coldest and most unfeeling person overwhelmed with Brajarasa, filling the heart with an insatiable love of Shri Radha Krishna and an intense desire to have a glimpse of Them. Vedamarga Pratisthapan-acharya: His resplendent divine personality and the way he gave a series of discourses couched in highly literary and then classical Vedic Sanskrit, with appropriate quotations from all the Shastras and Vedas, left the assembly of 500 eminent scholars spellbound. The President, Vice President and all other leading scholars present spoke in one voice that his extraordinarily authoritative and profound knowledge was out of this world. They felt that it was impossible for any human being at that age to have such thorough knowledge of all the Shastras and Vedas, and possess the ability to use that knowledge so judiciously. Thus, even before any debate on the scriptures took place, he had already captured the hearts and minds of all learned scholars. “Shri Kripalu Ji’s discourse is like the thunderous sound of a new cloud. It removes the agony of a mind which is afflicted by atheistic thoughts. On hearing his discourse, the divine knowledge about God sprouts in the woodland of one’s mind. Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is like the elixir of life, protecting people suffering from a sophistic mindset and malicious thoughts. Salutations to him!” Bhaktiyogarasavtar, The Descension of Divine Love: His resplendent divine personality and the way he gave a series of discourses couched in highly literary and then classical Vedic Sanskrit, with appropriate quotations from all the Shastras and Vedas, left the assembly of 500 eminent scholars spellbound. The President, Vice President and all other leading scholars present spoke in one voice that his extraordinarily authoritative and profound knowledge was out of this world. They felt that it was impossible for any human being at that age to have such thorough knowledge of all the Shastras and Vedas, and possess the ability to use that knowledge so judiciously. Thus, even before any debate on the scriptures took place, he had already captured the hearts and minds of all learned scholars. “Shri Kripalu Ji’s discourse is like the thunderous sound of a new cloud. It removes the agony of a mind which is afflicted by atheistic thoughts. On hearing his discourse, the divine knowledge about God sprouts in the woodland of one’s mind. Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is like the elixir of life, protecting people suffering from a sophistic mindset and malicious thoughts. Salutations to him!” Nikhildarshan Samanacharya: All the earlier Jagadgurus focused on a particular branch of Vedic knowledge, and they propagated and established that particular school of thought. For example, Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya propagated Advaita or the philosophy of non-dualism exclusively. Similarly, other Jagadgurus propagated the philosophies of Vishishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism), Dvaitadvaita (dualism-non-dualism) and Dvaita (dualism). Having done so, they then wrote commentaries to establish their respective philosophy. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is the first Jagadguru who welcomed the views of all Jagadgurus and other renowned Saints in equal measure. Through his compelling arguments, full of evidence sourced from the Vedas and Shastras, he authenticated the significance of all the above philosophies, going even one step further by reconciling their apparent divergent views, and explaining their relevance to common people so all could be benefitted. Such a momentous task was accomplished so effortlessly by him, making things absolutely clear and thereby opening the eyes of people. Consequently, Kashi Vidvat Parishat decorated him with the title of Nikhildarshan Samanvayacharya. Sanatana-vaidic-dharma-pratishthapana-satsampradaya-paramacharya: Whenever such great Saints descend on this earth, their purpose is to reform the distorted nature of dharma, and thereby pave the real pathway for the welfare of people. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj has removed sampradayavad (disciplic lineage) from his dictionary, proving that Shri Krishna is the first-ever Guru of all sampradayas. Therefore, without mentioning the names of all the other spiritual teachers, he explained that selfless devotion to Shri Radha Krishna is the best and most accesible way to one’s welfare. He says: “All an individual should do is dispense with the religious rituals in his devotional practice, and without depending on any other means or without getting into the complications of the conditions of karma (action) and jnana (knowledge), treat God as your all and surrender to Him completely like an innocent child, and the all-merciful Lord will grace you. Like a mother, He too does not expect anything from an individual soul and ignores all his faults. He instantly takes him into His fold.” This is the foundation of tattva jnana bhakti or devotion with spiritual knowledge. The pathway revealed by Shri Maharaj Ji is therefore in agreement with our scriptures and at the same time, it is free from any ceremony. In this way, the path specified by him is the fastest and easiest way to one’s welfare, and is in tune with the needs of present times. In view of this, Kashi Vidvat Parishat has rightly honoured him with this unprecedented title: Sanatana-vaidic-dharma-pratishthapana-satsampradaya-paramacharya-pratish In honouring Shri Maharaj Ji as Jagadguruttam, the learned scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat have acclaimed that he is the repository of the essence, as well as the final conclusion, on all the varying philosophies of the previous original Jagadgurus. His supremacy amongst them is further highlighted by the fact that prior to him, all individuals awarded with the title of Jagadguru had first defeated their competitors in a rigorious scriptural debate. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj earned the title of Jagadguruttam without having to contest in any scriptural debate, as no one came forward to do so. All these stoic scholars of the Vedas and Shastras just bowed their heads before him when they heard his scholarly discourses. “Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is endowed with the most ecstatic intellectual prowess in India. He has established Bhaktiyoga Mandal, an organisation encompassing joyous elements of divine love and devotion. His intense longing for redeeming dharma is growing by the day along with his glorious reputation. Blessings on him! He is being honoured with the title of Supreme Jagadguru, the highest authority among all Vedic Saints and scholars.”
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 04:12:37 +0000

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