HAPPY NAW-RUZBahai New year B.E 171...Naw-Rúz in the Bahai faith - TopicsExpress


HAPPY NAW-RUZBahai New year B.E 171...Naw-Rúz in the Bahai faith is one of the nine holy days for adherents of the Bahai faith worldwide and first day of the Bahai calendar.Naw-Ruz, which means“New Day”, is celebrated at the vernal equinox, on the first day of spring. It is a time of joy and celebration, with the darkness of winter coming to an end and the reappearance of light, warmth and the beauty of spring’s flowers. It is a day of new beginnings– of change and hope.However, for Baha’is, Naw Ruz also has deep spiritual significance. Naw Ruz marks the end of the 19-day Baha’i Fast, which is a period of reflection and profound spiritual reinvigoration for Baha’is. Each of the month is named after an attribute of god. The first day and the first month were given the attribute of Bahá or glory, and thus the first day of the year is the day of Bahá in the month of Bahá. Naw-Ruz was ordained by Baha’ullah as a celebration of humanity’s“spiritual springtime”: the Baha’i dispensation.The Baha’i dispensation began with the Declaration of the Bab, whose entire mission was to prepare the world for a Divine Teacher with a Message he considered greater than His own: Baha’ullah. The revelation of Baha’ullah– the latest in humanity’s long history of receiving Divine Teachings through the Messengers of God– is often, in Baha’i writings, likened to the beginning of springtime.Naw-Ruz is celebrated all around the world by Bahais...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 20:08:14 +0000

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