HAPPY THURSDAY! TODAY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SOME BAD WORKOUT HABITS YOU MIGHT HAVE AND CAN FIX TODAY! 1) NOT Feeling the Burn! ....most commonly known to us trainers as undertraining, not pushing yourself, (the burn). This can include: bad form, poor posture when executing (especially standing curls) going thru your reps so fast that your muscles are not challenged properly. FIX: Speed is good .. its good to mix it up, but not when you are sacrificing your form. keep your neck in line with your spine ..lots of people look down when they squat or do pushups etc, and that can leave your upper back and neck in a vulnerable position. Remember, the way you train with weights, is the way you are strengthening your muscles, in that position. 2) OVERDOING IT! ....now we have the other side. No more is NOT better ...Too much training will leave you and your entire body tired, and ripe for injuries. Not only that you will stop seeing progress. Yep, and then you will become cranky, and do more... a vicious cycle. FIX: Let your body heal. it needs rest to grow and to become stronger... do not work out the same muscle group two days in a row, they need 48 hours. If you do a leg workout, avoid hills and stairs or a high incline on the treadmill the next day. And please take a day of rest. Do nothing taxing physically. AND.. take one of your fitness days with a fun exercise with friends or family .. include them in your healthy regime!! Back tomorrow with more!!! play safe! and have fun with your fitness!!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 13:47:39 +0000

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