HELLO FRIEND KIND REGARDS FROM VENEZUELA ALWAYS HERE TO YOUR ORDER. Very good and Best Regards I hope youre fine, this is my cover letter, thank you for accepting in their group and that this information can help many people in your group , friends , family, and more if they are sick, I d like to help in the health area , Fuxin Prolife Biotec excellent pharmaceutical properties nutraceutical supplement enhancer and stem cell organizer of growth hormone , supports the immune area , metabolic , cleanses the colon and helps us refine our body of many diseases there are today in the world , I hope you can serve this information to your health and if you have a complaint about this information , please say them without insults, because it is better known to criticize anything that helps humanity .. HASTE BIG QUESTION IS GOING TO BATHROOM MANY TIMES . HEALTH IS PRICELESS ... The colon ... Why are sick? Regular consumption of meat, eggs , milk and cheese favors the growth of putrefactive bacterial flora in the digestive tract . This plant acts on the amino acids of meat , descarboxilándolo ... s leading to toxic substances called amines , such as indole - skatole , strip mine , histamine, and tyrosine , which cause headache , high blood pressure , putrefaction in colon, allergies and malodorous stools . Amino acids of meat , from which toxic amines are lysine, ornithine , tyrosine, and tryptophan histamine . The main reasons that the colon is diseased water are not eating enough , not providing the proper amount of fiber -50 grams per day - and not lubricate properly and atiborrarlo of refined and processed foods devoid of nutrients such as vitamins , minerals , enzymes , antioxidants , and omega-3 fats . Keep in mind that the colon - talking about anatomy , is very long and not fitted with excellent nerve endings. Therefore not able to give us the time signal that you are ill and , when it does, its too late . A point to ponder is that over the last 50 years, three major factors have drastically altered the world around us : • The use of much refined sugar as white bread, pasta, rice, corn syrup , cane sugar . • Changes agricultural and livestock such as injection of growth hormones and antibiotics, which have made the food has changed. • Exposure to many chemicals such as pesticides , preservatives , artificial colorings and flavorings. The symptoms of a diseased colon are abundant gases , odorous gases , belching , bloating , fullness, stool ball , hard stools , taped stool , straining bowel movements , painful , bleeding and hemorrhoids Others are reflux , gastritis , bitter mouth , rhinitis , sinusitis , headache and feeling of evacuating all the time and not being able to ( rectal tenesmus ) The colon has a bacteria that lives working all the time known as friendly flora of the colon and is called lactobacillus acidophilus . His name is because they eat the husks of grains, cereals, seeds and make a fermentation process with ingesting their sugars and lactic acid are used to maintain a slightly acidic colon pH = 5.5 to bad bacteria or pathogen does not grow . In normal conditions , the role of lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria is preparing food for absorption and assimilate nutrients. They also produce substances called acidofilina and antiseptics such as lactic acid , which helps digestion. Just work to produce B -complex vitamins , including niacin , biotin , folic acid , B6 , B12 , which protect against germs, neutralize toxins and prevent it from being absorbed by promoting the elimination of themselves. These bacteria are called probiotics. PROLIFE Fuxion BIOTEC : has created an excellent tool to attack any abnormal antibody in our body to heal, prevent any disease of our health. ATTN : AELDELVER RODRIGUEZ . TEL 0424-1656150 Skype: Aeldelver_rodriguez [email protected] PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO YOU WILL BE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND THEN ASK YOURSELF THAT I HAVE IN MY BODY AND I DO TO CLEAN MY AREA BODY INSIDE OUT, AND YOU CAN DO YOU GREETINGS DIRE . ! PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE ...! ! YOUR HEALTH COMES FIRST ! https://youtube/watch?v=DRX1Fh1R1nE https://youtube/watch?v=nUiL4_7B3uQ
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:32:03 +0000

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